Nursing Catalogue 2016
Managing and Coordinating Nursing Care, Fifth Edition Janice R. Ellis, PhD, RN 978-0-7817-7410-9 • December 2008 • Softbound • 7.375” x 9.125” • 592pp. • 58 Illus. • 28Tables
Now in its Fifth Edition, this text is designed to teach nursing students to apply effective decision-making, leadership, delegation, prioritization, and patient management skills to real-world practice situations. With its emphasis on critical thinking and collaborative decision making, this book has been highly successful in building students’ problem-solving and management abilities.The book is in full color and has light-hearted illustrations that teach key concepts in a memorable way. Features • NEW! Each chapter contains safety icons that indicate subject matter that focuses on patient safety. • NEW! Light-hearted illustrations appear throughout the book to highlight key content. • Learning Outcomes appear at the beginning of each chapter to assist students in planning and evaluating their study. • Key Terms are also listed at the opening of each chapter and are bolded as they occur in the chapter text to alert students to terminology used in management. • Examples of Concepts being discussed are integrated throughout each chapter to assist the student in understanding their application in health care. • Critical Thinking Exercises appear throughout each chapter providing students with an opportunity to apply key concepts. • Legal / Ethical and Cultural Icons point out cultural concepts and legal • ethical considerations. • Key Concepts are summarized at the conclusion of each chapter.
Table of Contents Unit 1: Working within Organizations Ch. 1: Developing Leadership Behavior and Management Skills Ch. 2: Understanding and Working in Organizations Ch. 3: Managing Resources Responsibly Ch. 4: Supporting Quality Care Unit 2: Moving into a Professional Role Ch. 5: The Nurse as Communicator, Motivator, and Teacher Ch. 6: The Nurse as Decision Maker and Delegator Ch. 7: The Nurse as Supervisor and Evaluator Ch. 8: The Nurse as Change Agent and Advocate Ch. 9: The Nurse as Conflict Manager, Negotiator, and Mediator Unit 3: Evolving Issues in Nursing Practice Ch. 10: Advancing Your Career Ch. 11: Attaining and Maintaining Competence Ch. 12: The Challenging Workplace Ch. 13: Nursing Informatics and Evidence- based Practice Ch. 14: Anticipating the Future Glossary
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