Nursing Catalogue 2016
Introduction to Community-Based Nursing, Fifth Edition Roberta Hunt, RN, MSN 978-1-60913-686-4 • January 2012 • Softbound • 7” x 11” • 482 pp. • 144 Illus.
This text presents foundational concepts pivotal to delivering nursing care in the community setting, with specific attention to the NLN competencies for community-based nursing care. The author examines the variety of settings and situations in which the community-based nurse provides care, highlighting cultural diversities in the patient populations, and emphasizing interactions between the individual and the family. Features • The Nurse Speaks / The Nursing Student Speaks is a real-life, clinical, community-based nursing example opening each chapter. • Healthy People 2020 , the foundation for the nation’s 10-year health objectives, is examined and applied wherever relevant, providing the most up-to-date information on community issues such as access to care, obesity, emerging infectious diseases, technological advances, and alternative complementary therapies. • Client Situations in Practice Boxes examine real life community- based nursing situations and solutions specific to each chapter’s content. • Assessment Tools Boxes provide opportunities to apply learning and test knowledge gained.
Table of Contents UNIT I: Basic Concepts in Community-Based Nursing Ch. 1: Overview of Community-Based Nursing Ch. 2: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Ch. 3: Cultural Care Ch. 4: Family Care UNIT II: Community-Based Nursing Across the Life Span Ch. 5: Assessment of Individuals, Families, and Communities for Population-Based Care Ch. 6: Health Teaching Ch. 7: Continuity of Care: Discharge Planning and Case Management UNIT III: Skills for Community-Based Nursing Practice Ch. 8: Health Promotion and Disease and Injury Prevention for Maternal/Infant Populations, Children, and Adolescents Ch. 9: Health Promotion and Disease and Injury Prevention for Adults Ch. 10: Health Promotion and Disease and Injury Prevention for Older Adults UNIT IV: Settings for Practice Ch. 11: Practice Settings and Specialties Ch. 12: Home Health Care Nursing Ch. 13: Specialized Home Health Care Nursing Ch. 14: Mental Health Nursing in Community-Based Settings Ch. 15: Global Health and Community- Based Care UNITV: Implications for Future Practice Ch. 16: Trends in Community-Based Nursing Appendix A: Nutrition Questionnaires for Infants, Children, and Adolescents Appendix B: Implications for Teaching at Various Developmental Stages Appendix C: Cognitive Stages and Approaches to Patient Education with Children Index
Community-Based Nursing • Public Health
Community Health •
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