Nursing Catalogue 2016


Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Fourth Edition Melanie McEwen, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF 978-1-4511-9031-1 • January 2014 • Softbound • 7” x 10”

Increase your understanding of nursing theory and see how it can transform clinical practice with Theoretical Basis for Nursing, 4th Edition , and the most contemporary and concise nursing theory textbook on the market. Easy to read without diluting the complexity of the content, this acclaimed book focuses on the application of theory, while helping you build skills you will use in developing, analyzing, and evaluating theory in your future career. Features • NEW! A new chapter on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) examines the connection between EBP and situation-specific practice theories. • NEW! Bring theory alive for students and show them how theory can guide practice with new Link to Practice boxes. • NEW! A new online Literature Assessment Activity asks students to respond to critical thinking questions after reading current journal articles. • NEW! To help make the theory course fun, a new Instructor’s Guide includes discussion questions, fun classroom activities, and recommendations for teaching the course. • Increase student understanding of how content relates to the nurse’s everyday experience with the Case Studies provided in each chapter. • Encourage independent and collaborative research through revised Learning Activities that pose critical thinking questions, suggest learning activities, and stimulate classroom discussion. • Help your students master key concepts through Chapter Summaries and Key Points that recap main ideas in the chapter into digestible parts.

Research • Statistic & Theory

Table of Contents Unit 1: Introduction to Theory Ch. 1: Philosophy, Science and Nursing Ch. 2: Overview of Theory in Nursing Ch. 3: Concept Development: Clarifying Meaning of Terms Ch. 4: Theory Development: Structuring Conceptual Relationships in Nursing Ch. 5: Theory Analysis and Evaluation Unit 2: Nursing Theories Ch. 6: Overview of Grand Nursing Theories Ch. 7: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs Ch. 8: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process Ch. 9: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Unitary Process Ch. 10: Introduction to Middle Range Nursing Theories Ch. 11.: Overview of Selected Middle Range Nursing Theories Ch. 12: Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Theory Unit 3: Shared Theories Used by Nurses Ch. 13: Theories From the Sociologic Sciences Ch. 14: Theories From the Behavioral Sciences Ch. 15: Theories From the Biomedical Sciences Ch. 16: Theories, Models, and Frameworks From Leadership and Management Ch. 17: Learning Theories Unit 4: Application of Theory in Nursing Ch. 18: Application of Theory in Nursing Practice Ch. 19: Application of Theory in Nursing Research Ch. 20: Application of Theory in Nursing Administration and Management Ch. 21: Application of Theory in Nursing Education Ch. 22: Future Issues in Nursing Theory

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