Nursing Catalogue 2016
ECGWorkout: Exercises in Arrhythmia Interpretation, Sixth Edition Jane Huff, RN, CCRN 978-1-4511-1553-6 • July 2011 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 384 pp. • 600 Illus. • 10Tables
This outstanding text and workbook is the leading reference for students, practicing nurses, paramedics, and other health professionals learning ECG interpretation. Thoroughly updated with new figures and easy-to-follow text, ECG Workout is an excellent guide to rhythm analysis that builds on knowledge in a step-by-step fashion to broaden the understanding of essential ECG concepts and build the skills to confidently and accurately interpret ECG waveforms. Get the knowledge you need to meet the challenges of ECG interpretation with: • Over 600 actual-sized practice rhythm strips. More than any other guide on the market! • Clear, thorough overviews of anatomy, physiology, and electrophysiology. • Identification of principal waveform components and scores of illustrations for essential ECG concepts. • Easy, five-step method for analyzing any rhythm strip. • Chapters covering the most common arrhythmias, sinus arrhythmias, atrial arrhythmias, junctional arrhythmias and AV blocks, ventricular arrhythmias and bundle-branch blocks, pacemakers, all with typical waveforms. • Hardwire and telemetry monitoring equipment and troubleshooting tips. • Handy pocket ECG conversion card for more precise heart rate calculation. • Online PowerPoint ® chapter reviews and flash cards. Features • NEW! Skill Builder section for extra practice differentiating among mixed strips. • NEW! Skill-building approach to learning, with new Skill Builder practice rhythm strips in select chapters. • NEW! More glossary terms and 48 pull-out flashcards for self- testing. • NEW! Chapter 10 (Pacemakers) extensively revised to include permanent pacemaker strips and temporary venous strips. • Step-by-step guide to rhythm strip analysis. • Chapter 7 (Atrial Arrhythmias) includes 25 mixed practice strips; sinus and atrial strips, helping students distinguish between the two types of rhythms. • Chapter 8 (Junctional Arrhythmias and AV Blocks) includes a mixture of additional practice strips, atrial, junctional, and heart block, building on information from the preceding chapter. • Chapter 9 (Ventricular Arrhythmias and Bundle Branch Blocks) goes one step further to include a mix of yet more practice strips, sinus, atrial, junctional, heart block, and ventricular, encouraging students to apply recently learned concepts and skills.
Table of Contents Preface Ch. 1: Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart Ch. 2: Electrophysiology Ch. 3: Waveforms, Intervals, Segments, and Complexes Ch.4: Cardiac Monitors Ch. 5: Analyzing a Rhythm Strip Ch. 6: Sinus Arrhythmias Ch. 7: Atrial Arrhythmias Ch. 8: Junctional Arrhythmias and AV Blocks Ch. 9: Ventricular Arrhythmias and Bundle-branch Block Ch. 10: Pacemakers Ch. 11: Posttest Appendices 1: Answer Keys to Practice Strips and Skill-Building Strips 2: Glossary 3: Electrocardiographic Conversion Table for Heart Rate Pull-out Arrhythmias Flash Cards
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