New Publication Announcement (June-September 2015)
Author/ISBN or Product Code
Price ($)
Sterling (£) Euro (€)
Wolters Kluwer 978-1-4963-0041-6
Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series ® ), 2e
30 $49.99(t)
£36.00(t) €43.00(t)
Andrews 978-1-4511-9397-8
Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, 7e 31 $64.99(t)
£37.00(t) €44.00(t)
Muscari 978-1-4511-9428-9
Lippincott Review: Pediatric Nursing, 5e
32 $49.99 £34.95(t) €42.00(t)
Craig 978-1-4963-0282-3
Clinical Calculations Made Easy, Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analyis
33 $81.99(t)
£56.00(t) €67.00(t)
Drug Identifier 2016, The Premier Tool for Drug Identification
34 $82.99
£58.00 €70.00
Facts & Comparisons 978-1-57439-371-2
Baranoski 978-1-4698-8913-9
Wound Care Essentials, Practice Principles, 4e
35 $72.99(t)
£49.00(t) €59.00(t)
Briggs 978-1-4511-9429-6
Telephone Triage Protocols for Nurses, 5e 36 $74.99
£45.00 €54.00
Sterling and Euro prices are applicable in Europe only. All prices, bibliographic details and publication dates are liable to change without prior notice.
Wolters Kluwer
3rd Quarter 2015
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