New Publication Announcement (June-September 2015)
Author/ISBN or Product Code
Price ($)
Sterling (£) Euro (€)
Landsberg 978-1-4963-2221-0
On Rounds: 1000 Internal Medicine Pearls 5 $49.99(t)
£33.50(t) €40.00(t)
Young 978-1-4698-6415-0
Blueprints Medicine (Blueprints Series), 6e 6 $54.99(t)
£36.50(t) €44.00(t)
Gould 978-1-4511-9343-5
High-Yield Neuroanatomy (High-Yield Series), 5e
7 $36.99
£24.95 €30.00
Campbell 978-1-4511-9445-6
Clinical Signs in Neurology
8 $69.99(t)
£47.00(t) €56.00(t)
Louis 978-1-4511-9336-7
Merritt’s Neurology, 13e
9 $179.99(t) £113.00(t) €136.00(t)
Jones 978-1-4511-7736-7
Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology
10 $229.99 £153.00 €184.00
Pizzo 978-1-4511-9423-4
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology, 7e
11 $379.99 £253.00(t) €304.00(t)
Sterling and Euro prices are applicable in Europe only. All prices, bibliographic details and publication dates are liable to change without prior notice.
Wolters Kluwer
3rd Quarter 2015
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