New Publication Announcement (June-September 2015)
July-September 2015
Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, Second Edition, 4 Volume Set By SamW. Wiesel, MD et al.
With more than 800 global experts taking you step-by-step through each procedure, this superbly illustrated, easy-to-use resource guides towards mastery of virtually every orthopaedic procedure, with guidance on how to select the best procedure, avoid complications, and what outcomes to expect. Exciting features include: ■ ■ More than 13,000 full-color intraoperative photographs and drawings clearly demonstrate how to perform the techniques.
■ ■ Extensive use of bulleted points, a highly templated format, and a fully searchable eBook make it easy to instantly access needed content. ■ ■ More than 50 procedures new to this edition! ■ ■ Easy-to-follow details on orthopaedic procedures involving all joints, as well as sports medicine, pediatrics, the spine, and orthopaedic oncology.
Includes eBook with complete content— easy to carry, access, and search!
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4511-9314-5 / ($599.99 / £406.00(t) / €487.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 6,068 pp. / Approx. 13,000 Illus. / 8.375 x 10.875 / August 2015
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