NPA_Spring2018_wholebook (1)

MEDICAL ALLIED HEALTH Occupational Therapy

Clinical Pathways An Occupational Therapy Assessment for Range of Motion & Manual Muscle Strength 1st Edition By Gail G. Dadio; and Jerilyn A. Nolan

DESCRIPTION Clinical Pathways , an exciting first edition, helps students learn how to proficiently conduct range of motion (ROM) and

manual muscle (MMT) assessment for the main joint structures of the body. Focusing heavily on clinical application, the text also provides a novel, OT-focused “Clinical Pathways of Assessment” model that connects physical assessment with a clinical decision-making process. This model helps students develop the skills to effectively evaluate a client through an occupational profile and per- formance. Client-centered outcome measures are used to assess the client’s functional ability in the performance of their daily occupations. Ultimately, using this framework will help to prepare for the process of designing and modifying the treatment plan to achieve optimum results. FEATURES ▶ ▶ eBook available . Faster, smarter, and more convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more. ▶ ▶ A unique OT-focused decision-making framework shows students through an occupational profile how to observe functions within the client’s contextual and/or cultural environment using functional observations, postural screening, and current evidenced-based outcome assessments. ▶ ▶ A standard chapter organization . Each chapter includes a specific body structure and follows a standardized template that includes learning objectives, description of anatomical structures (joint and musculoskeletal attachment sites), palpation of specific landmarks, functional movement patterns, ROM and MMT assessment (vibrant muscular images with photography, and Test Your Skill Set (sample case studies). ▶ ▶ Color-coded design. A visually striking, multi-color design to ease navigation from table of contents through each chapter, helps organize the content and provides a quick reference feature such as a thumb index. ▶ ▶ Online instructor resources . An interactive test bank based on case studies and PowerPoint presentations enhance teaching and streamline lecture and exam preparation.

Spiralbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-8778-3 / ($89.99 / £68.00 / €80.00) World Approx. 464 pp. / 8.375 x 10.875 / March 2018


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