NURSING Pharmacology
McKenna’s Pharmacology, Australian and New Zealand Edition For Nursing and Health Professionals 3rd Edition By Lisa McKenna, Anecita Gigi Lim, and Sanja Mirkov DESCRIPTION The Essential Pharmacological Textbook for Australia and New Zealand McKenna’s Pharmacology for Nursing and Health Professionals delivers essential pharmacological information in easy‑to‑learn steps, helping you to build a solid grounding in the principles of drug therapy, before introducing more complex learning objectives such as pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
FEATURES This third Edition emphasises “need‑to‑know” concepts for today’s nurses. Learning features include: ▶ A clear focus on pharmacology and therapeutics. ▶ Prescribing information for the nursing practitioner. ▶ Therapeutic drug actions and indications, contraindications, adverse effects and clinically important drug interactions. ▶ Emphasis on therapeutic reasoning and patient safety. ▶ Safe medication administration, patient/family teaching and a focus on evidence‑based practice ensure learners are ready for a real‑world clinical setting. ▶ Reflective practice‑cultural and patient‑centred considerations as well as drug therapy across the lifespan encourage critical thinking and reflective practice. ▶ Calculation reviews reinforce drug calculation knowledge and hone clinical skills. ▶ Test yourself‑case‑based critical thinking exercises and review questions test what you have learned and help you prepare for exams. New content additions for this third Edition include: ▶ Clinical decision making in drug therapy. ▶ Attention to clinical reasoning and prescribing. ▶ Information on novel anticancer agents. ▶ Basic information on policy and the law within the healthcare environment. thePoint online resources for students and instructors ▶ A wide array of resources for students and instructors, including Watch and Learn videos, Practice and Learn videos, Concepts in Action animations, quizzes, discussion topics and answers, journal articles and PowerPoint presentations. ▶ PrepU for McKenna’s Pharmacology For Nursing and Health Professionals is an online adaptive quizzing engine that helps students to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and enables instructors to assess student and class progress. Each book purchase now includes a complimentary
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