MEDICAL Oncology/Lung Cancer
Non‑Small Cell Lung Cancer, Revised Reprint By Anatomical Chart Company DESCRIPTION Focusing specifically on the most prevalent type of lung can ‑ cer, this full‑color laminated chart discusses the five types of non‑small cell lung cancer, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and screening, staging, and treatment options. The central illustra ‑ tion shows a cross‑section of the left lung with clear depictions of the presence of NSCLC.
FEATURES ▶ Bulleted lists cover the types of NSCLC, signs and symptoms, and diagnosis/screening. ▶ Clear, easy‑to‑understand charts detail the seven stages of NSCLC and explain four distinct treatment options. ▶ Includes a visual depiction of immunotherapy. ▶ Available in the following versions: • 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 978‑1‑4963‑6952‑9 • 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 978‑1‑4963‑6955‑0
Chart‑Laminated / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑8596‑1 / ($23.99 / £17.50 / €20.00 / AU$35.50) 20 x 26 / December 2021
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