Psychiatric Nursing Contemporary Practice Sixth Edition

By Mary Ann Boyd, PhD, DNS, RN, PMHCNS-BC , Professor Emerita, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, Clinical Faculty, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO

DESCRIPTION Mary Ann Boyd’s Psychiatric Nursing: Contemporary Practice 6th edition is a comprehensive approach to psychiatric mental health nursing. Dr. Boyd revised the sixth edition to prepare nurs-

ing leaders who challenge the status quo, partner with their patients in the delivery of care, and use the latest evidence in their nursing practice. The sixth edition has an emphasis on the recovery-interventions and wellness, with coverage of mental health promotion, assessment, and interventions in adults, families, children, adolescents and older adults. The text presents complex concepts in easy-to-understand language with multiple examples and explanations. Special features include threaded case studies that are mapped to the chapter’s nursing care plans, therapeutic dialogue. In addition, new sections emphasizing wellness and primary care integration will be added along with the retention of popular features such as Clinical Vignettes and NCLEX Notes. The sixth edition includes access to the online video series, Lippincott Theory to Practice Video Series: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, available in the Student and Instruc- tor Resources. These videos display mental health disorders, allowing students to gain experience and a deeper understanding of mental health patients.  FEATURES ▶ ▶ New! Case Studies threaded in the disorder chapters are related to the Nursing Care Plan and Therapeutic Dialogue features, giving students the opportunity to apply content. Cases will come from the Patient Experience Videos, to help tie content from the book to the videos. Not all disorder chapters have a video, for those chapters a case study will be created. Exposure to patients builds student confidence and provides a seamless transition to the practice world. ▶ ▶ New! Wellness Challenges threaded in disorder chapters, focuses on keeping patients healthy. Will utilize case study “patient” to apply the content. ▶ ▶ New! Integration with Primary Care threaded in disorder chapters, addresses integration of psychiatric disorders with basic health needs blended. Will utilize case study “patient” to apply the content. ▶ ▶ Key Diagnostic Characteristics summaries describe diagnostic criteria, target symptoms, and associated findings for select disorders, adapted from the DSM-5 by the American Psychiatric Associations. 


Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in November, 2014. (ISBN: 978-0-06-000037-0)

Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4511-9243-8 / (US$106.99(t) / £81.00(t) / €96.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 888 pp. / Approx. 130 Illus. / 8.375 x 10.875 / October 2017


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