Workbook for Introductory Medical- Surgical Nursing Twelfth Edition By Barbara Kuhn Timby, RN, BSN, MA , Professor Emeritus, Medical- Surgical Nursing, Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, MI and Nancy E. Smith, MS, RN , Professor Emeritus and Former Chair, Department of Nursing, Southern Maine Community College, South Portland, ME

DESCRIPTION The Workbook for Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing is designed to help students practice and retain the knowledge

gained from the textbook and provides a basis for applying that knowledge in nursing practice. Each chapter of the Workbook is divided into three sections: “Assessing Your Understanding,” “Ap- plying Your Knowledge,” and “Getting Ready for NCLEX.” The first section concentrates on the basic information of the textbook chapter and helps students remember key concepts, vocabulary, and principles with exercises like Fill in the Blanks, Labeling, Matching, Sequencing, and Short Answers. The second section consists of exercises that ask students to apply the knowledge gained through short answer questions, critical thinking exercises, and case study activities. The third and final section helps students practice answering NCLEX-PN questions to reinforce knowledge. The answers to the Workbook exercises are provided on the Instructor side of thePoint for the as- sociated textbook, Timby and Smith’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing , 12th Edition.

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2013. (ISBN: 978-1-4511-8722-9)

Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-5458-7 / (US$34.99(t) / £27.50(t) / €33.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 400 pp. / October 2017


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