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The Vascular System Second Edition Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series By Ann Marie Kupinski
DESCRIPTION .XSLQVNL·V Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular System, 2nd Edition provides a current, comprehensive treatment of vascular sonography enhanced by six new chapters—Orientation to 8OWUDVRXQG 6FDQQLQJ 8OWUDVRXQG 3ULQFLSOHV (UJRQRPLFV $YRLGLQJ :RUN 5HODWHG ,QMXU\ 6RQRJUDSK\ LQ WKH 9HQRXV 7UHDWPHQW 5RRP (YDOXDWLRQ RI 3HQLOH %ORRG )ORZ DQG Complementary Vascular Imaging (32). And an intregal part of the updated Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series , which includes new editions of Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Abdomen DQG 6XSHUÀFLDO 6WUXFWXUHV 'LDJQRVWLF 0HGLFDO 6RQRJUDSK\ 2EVWHWULFV DQG *\QHFRORJ\ and Diag- nostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular System, provides the right content at the right level for the right way to teach and learn. eBook available for each title. Faster, smarter, and more convenient, WRGD\·V H%RRNV FDQ WUDQVIRUP OHDUQLQJ 7KHVH LQWHUDFWLYH IXOO\ VHDUFKDEOH WRROV RIIHU DFFHVV RQ multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more. FEATURES ▶ New and updated images WKURXJKRXW HDFK WH[W KHOS EULQJ WKH YLVXDO ÀHOG RI VRQRJUDSK\ WR OLIH ▶ Up-to-date coverage of diagnostic criteria LQ HYHU\ WH[W UHÁHFWV WRGD\·V EHVW SUDFWLFHV ▶ Pathology boxes with tables of relevant pathologies are ideal for quick reference or review. ▶ Critical Thinking Questions in every chapter help students apply their knowledge to clinical VLWXDWLRQV DQG GHYHORS WKH DQDO\WLFDO VNLOOV WKH\·OO QHHG IRU D FDUHHU LQ VRQRJUDSK\ ▶ A complete Glossary GHÀQHV LPSRUWDQW WHUPLQRORJ\ WR KHOS VWXGHQWV PDVWHU WKH YRFDEXODU\ RI the profession. ▶ Updated references UHÁHFW WKH ODWHVW UHVHDUFK LQ WKH ÀHOG ▶ A hands-on workbook (available separately for each series title) provides a variety of custom- designed exercises to help students master each objective and get the most out of their study time.
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-8059-3 / (US$145.99(t) / £113.00(t) / €134.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 500 pp. / 600 in Full Color / November 2017
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