NPA Q3.pdf
ALLIED HEALTH Occupational Therapy
Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy Second Edition By Barbara Schell, and John Schell
DESCRIPTION Schell & Schell’s Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy QG (GLWLRQ RIIHUV XS WR GDWH HDV\ WR understand coverage of the theories and insights gained from
years of studying how occupational therapy practitioners reason in practice. Written by an expand- ed team of international educators, researchers and practitioners, the book is the only work that goes beyond simply directing how therapists should think to exploring whyand how they actually think WKH ZD\ WKH\ GR ZKHQ ZRUNLQJ ZLWK FOLHQWV 7KH QG (GLWLRQ RIIHUV D ZLGH DUUD\ RI QHZ FKDSWHUV DQG a new, more focused four-part organization that helps Occupational Therapy students develop the skills they need to identify and solve challenges throughout their careers. FEATURES ▶ Reorganized text to focuses on theories and examples of professional reasoning in practice. • 1HZ FKDSWHUV LQ 8QLW , LQFOXGH D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI 6FKHOO·V (FRORJLFDO 0RGHO RI 3URIHVVLRQDO 5HDVRQLQJ DQG D QHZ FKDSWHU RQ (PERGLPHQW • Unit II includes a new chapter on Aspects of Reasoning and an expanded chapter on Interactive Reasoning. • A brand new Unit III on Professional Reasoning in Context shares actual cases and outlines the nuances of reasoning in different practice settings ranging from the NICU to community mental health. • 8QLW ,9 LQFOXGHV QHZ DQG XSGDWHG FKDSWHUV RQ WHDFKLQJ LQ KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ DQG ÀHOGZRUN a new chapter on professional reasoning in management, and a revised chapter on considerations in research and scholarship in professional reasoning. ▶ Thinking About Thinking boxes are threaded throughout ▶ Learning activities in each chapter that ask readers to use different kinds of reasoning to manage various occupational therapy scenarios. ▶ &DVH ([DPSOHV GHPRQVWUDWH KRZ HIIHFWLYH UHDVRQLQJ LV DSSOLHG LQ KDQGOLQJ D UDQJH RI FOLQLFDO and professional issues.
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-3589-0 / (US$79.99(t) / £62.00(t) / €73.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 462 pp. / September 2017
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