NPA Q3.pdf
ALLIED HEALTH Dental Hygiene
Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials Theory, Practice, and Cases Fifth Edition By Marcia Gladwin, and Michael Bagby
DESCRIPTION Using a proven pedagogical organization, this updated Fifth (GLWLRQ RI *ODGZLQ DQG %DJE\·V PDUNHW OHDGLQJ WLWOH IRFXVHV on providing students with a dental materials background that emphasizes the clinical aspects of dental materials, while also LQWURGXFLQJ FRQFHSWV RI PDWHULDOV VFLHQFH 7KH ERRN·V WKUHH
part structure addresses types of dental materials in the 22 chapters of Part I, includes laboratory and clinical applications (essentially a built-in lab manual) in Part II, and presents 11 case studies in Part III that serve as an overall review and help students strengthen their critical thinking skills when pro- YLGLQJ SDWLHQW FDUH 8S WR GDWH FRQWHQW WKDW UHÁHFWV WKH ODWHVW DGYDQFHV LQ GHQWDO PDWHULDOV FOLQLFDO photos, review questions, and online videos all combine to help students develop the understanding of dental materials they need for successful dental hygiene practice. FEATURES ▶ eBook available )DVW VPDUW DQG FRQYHQLHQW WRGD\·V H%RRNV FDQ WUDQVIRUP OHDUQLQJ 7KHVH interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more. ▶ New topics include bonding, ceramics, and an additional air polishing powder, while coverage RI LQ RIÀFH DQG WDNH KRPH ZKLWHQLQJ DJHQWV DQG LQVWUXPHQW FDUH DQG WHFKQRORJ\ KDV EHHQ updated. ▶ TwoNEW case studies emphasize the pediatric dental patient and the diabetic patient. As with all the case studies, each integrates dental materials with dental hygiene practice. ▶ Tear-out, Skill Evaluation sheets enable students and faculty to assess laboratory and clinical competencies that relate to Part II of the text. ▶ Tips for the Clinician boxes offer advice so that the best results are achieved. ▶ Precaution boxes promote safety while working with the materials. ▶ Student learning aids, including chapter objectives, key words and phrases, summaries, learning activities, review questions, online videos and quizzes, and an appendix of answers and MXVWLÀFDWLRQV WR WKH UHYLHZ TXHVWLRQV DOO KHOS WKH VWXGHQW WR PDVWHU WKH PDWHULDO
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in February, 2012. (ISBN: 978-1-60913-965-0)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-6008-3 / (US$81.99(t) / £64.00(t) / €76.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 544 pp. / Approx. 55 Tables / October 2017
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