NPA Q3.pdf
NURSING Psychiatric
Psychiatric Nursing Contemporary Practice Sixth Edition
▶ 0HGLFDWLRQ 3URÀOH ER[HV SUHVHQW D WKRURXJK SLFWXUH RI FRPPRQO\ SUHVFULEHG PHGLFDWLRQV IRU SDWLHQWV ZLWK PHQWDO KHDOWK SUREOHPV 7KH SURÀOHV FRPSOHPHQW WKH WH[W GLVFXVVLRQV RI ELRORJLF SURFHVVHV known to be associated with various mental health disorders. ▶ Online Videos Series, Lippincott Theory to Practice Video Series: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing includes videos of true-to-life patients displaying mental health disorders, allowing students to gain experience and a deeper understanding of mental health patients. ▶ Concept Mastery Alerts utilize data from prepU quizzing to highlight common misconceptions and GLIÀFXOW WR XQGHUVWDQG PDWHULDO ▶ Movie Viewing Guides list current examples of movies that depict various mental health disorders and that are widely available on DVD for rent or purchase. Viewing points are provided to serve as a basis for discussion in class and among students. ▶ Fame and Fortune features highlight famous people who have made important contributions to society despite dealing with mental health problems. In many instances, the public remained unaware of these disorders. The feature emphasizes that mental disorders can happen to anyone and that people with mental health problems can be productive members of society. ▶ Clinical Vignette boxes present reality-based clinical portraits of patients who exhibit the symptoms described in the text. Questions are posed to help students express their thoughts and identify solutions to issues presented in the vignettes. ▶ 1&/(; 1RWHV KHOS VWXGHQWV IRFXV RQ LPSRUWDQW DSSOLFDWLRQ DUHDV WR SUHSDUH IRU WKH 1&/(; ▶ 5HVHDUFK IRU %HVW 3UDFWLFH ER[HV KLJKOLJKW WRGD\·V IRFXV RQ HYLGHQFH EDVHG SUDFWLFH IRU EHVW SUDFWLFH SUHVHQWLQJ ÀQGLQJV DQG LPSOLFDWLRQV RI VWXGLHV WKDW DUH DSSOLFDEOH WR SV\FKLDWULF QXUVLQJ SUDFWLFH ▶ (PHUJHQF\ &DUH $OHUWV KLJKOLJKW LPSRUWDQW VLWXDWLRQV LQ SV\FKLDWULF QXUVLQJ FDUH WKDW WKH QXUVH VKRXOG recognize as emergencies. ▶ Nursing Management of Selected Disorders sections provide an in-depth study of the more commonly occurring major psychiatric disorders. ▶ Therapeutic Dialogue boxes compare and contrast therapeutic and nontherapeutic conversations to encourage students by example to develop effective communication skills. ▶ 3V\FKRHGXFDWLRQ &KHFNOLVWV LGHQWLI\ FRQWHQW DUHDV IRU SDWLHQW DQG IDPLO\ HGXFDWLRQ UHODWHG WR VSHFLÀF disorders and their treatment. These checklists support critical thinking by encouraging students to GHYHORS SDWLHQW VSHFLÀF WHDFKLQJ SODQV EDVHG RQ FKDSWHU FRQWHQW ▶ Nursing Diagnosis Concept Maps help students learn to organize complex patient data into a meaningful nursing diagnosis and visually link key concepts of a disorder to in-practice examples. ▶ Patient education, family, and emergency icons highlight content related to these topics to help link concepts to practice.
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