NPA Q3.pdf

NURSING Pediatric & Neonatal

Telephone Triage Protocols for Pediatrics for Pediatrics

By Julie Briggs, RN, BSN, MHA , Director, Emergency Department, Good Samaritan Community Healthcare, Puyallup, WA and Mikki Meadows-Oliver, PhD, RN, PNP-BC

DESCRIPTION An invaluable resource to be used by nurses while assessing and advising patients over the telephone on topics related to

children. It is designed to provide clear guidance on handling a wide variety of patient situations ZKLFK WKH WULDJH QXUVH PLJKW ZRUN WKURXJK ZLWK D SDWLHQW SDUHQW (DFK V\PSWRP HQWU\ OLVWV TXHV - tions, grouped by urgency level, to determine whether the patient should seek emergency care im- mediately, seek medical care the same day, call back for an appointment, or follow home care instructions. Detailed home care instructions are provided. Topics address issues for care of infants up to adolescents. FEATURES ▶ Flow chart format leads the user from yes or no questions to the development of assessment and recommendation ▶ Format provides the ability to provide fast and effective evaluations ▶ $OSKDEHWLFDOO\ RUJDQL]HG WDEOH RI FRQWHQWV KHOSV WKH XVHU ÀQG V\PSWRPV TXLFNO\ ▶ Detailed home care instructions for the patient

Spiralbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-6360-2 / (US$64.99 / £50.00 / €59.00) Worldwide Approx. 592 pp. / 7 x 9 / September 2017


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