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NURSING Maternity, Perinatal, Women’s Health
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family Eighth Edition
By JoAnne Silbert-Flagg, DNP, CPNP, IBCLC, FAAN , Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, and Adele Pillitteri, PhD, RN, PNP , Former Associate Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA DESCRIPTION Maternal and Child Health Nursing follows the family from pre-pregnancy through pregnancy, labor, birth, and the post-partal period. It then follows the child and the family from birth through adolescence. Basic themes that are integrated into this text include the experience of wellness and illness as family-centered events, the perception of pregnancy and childbirth as periods of wellness, and the importance of knowing normal child development in the planning of nursing care. Also LQFOXGHG DUH WKHPHV UHÁHFWLYH RI FKDQJHV LQ KHDOWK FDUH GHOLYHU\ DQG WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI PHHWLQJ WKH needs of a culturally diverse population. With the use of chapter opening scenarios, critical thinking care studies and patient scenarios this text links theory closely with application that helps students gain a deeper understanding of content and be better prepared in their careers. FEATURE ▶ Develop clinical decision-making skills and make the leap from theory to practice through Patient Scenarios and end-of-chapter Critical Thinking Care Studies. ▶ Build essential skills in nursing care planning with easy-to-understand, integrated coverage. ▶ Prepare for your role in the advancement of health care nationwide through Nursing Care Planning Based on 2020 National Health Goals features. ▶ 1(: 3URYLGH FXOWXUDOO\ FRPSHWHQW FDUH IRU OHVELDQ JD\ ELVH[XDO DQG WUDQVJHQGHU /*%7 patients with expanded content focused on the direct application of care. ▶ $VVHVV \RXU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ ZLWK 1&/(; VW\OH 46(1 &KHFNSRLQW 4XHVWLRQV LQ HDFK FKDSWHU ▶ (TXLS \RXUVHOI IRU WRGD\·V QXUVLQJ ZRUNIRUFH ZLWK ,QWHUSURIHVVLRQDO &DUH 0DSV WKDW GHPRQVWUDWH the nursing process. ▶ (QVXUH DFFXUDWH FOLHQW DVVHVVPHQWV HIIHFWLYH GUXJ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG FXOWXUDOO\ VHQVLWLYH practice with Nursing Care Planning boxes. ▶ Boost your critical thinking capabilities and prepare for the unpredictable realities of clinical practice with “What If?” questions.
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2013. (North American ISBN: 978-1-4511-8790-8, International ISBN: 978-1-4511-8896-7)
North American Edition / Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4813-5 / (US$150.99(t) / £N/A / €N/A) Worldwide International Edition / Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-6532-3 / (US$150.99(t) /£112.00(t) / €133.00(t) World ex. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands (St. Thomas & St. Croix) Approx. 1744 pp. / Approx. 550 Color Illus. / 8.375 x 10.875 / October 2017
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