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Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Twelfth Edition By Barbara Kuhn Timby, RN, BSN, MA , Professor Emeritus, Medical- Surgical Nursing, Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, MI and Nancy E. Smith, MS, RN , Professor Emeritus and Former Chair, Department of Nursing, Southern Maine Community College, South Portland, ME DESCRIPTION 7KLV XSGDWHG WK (GLWLRQ RI Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing and its online resources equips LPN/LVN students with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and effective nursing care to adult med- LFDO VXUJLFDO FOLHQWV LQ WRGD\·V FKDQJLQJ KHDOWKFDUH HQYLURQPHQW 7KLV HGL - WLRQ UHÁHFWV FXUUHQW PHGLFDO DQG QXUVLQJ SUDFWLFH WKURXJK DFFHVVLEOH FRQWHQW enhanced by photos and illustrations that bring the information to life and UHLQIRUFH OHDUQLQJ 2QOLQH YLGHRV DQLPDWLRQV DXGLR 1&/(; 31 ® review questions, and much more combine with text content to prepare students for UHDO ZRUOG QXUVLQJ DQG 1&/(; 31 VXFFHVV
FEATURES ▶ NEW! Concept Mastery Alerts highlight and clarify commonly misunderstood concepts.
▶ Concept Care Maps present a visual diagram focusing on the priority problem, expected outcomes, and nursing interventions of the client in the accompanying Clinical Scenario. Critical thinking questions follow the scenarios. ▶ Over 30 Nursing Care Plans ZLWK UDWLRQDOHV DGGUHVV VXFK LVVXHV DV $O]KHLPHU·V GLVHDVH FDQFHU P\RFDUGLDO LQIDUFWLRQ VWURNH GLDEHWHV PHOOLWXV PRGLÀHG UDGLFDO PDVWHFWRP\ DQG FKURQLF UHQDO IDLOXUH WR KHOS VWXGHQWV GHYHORS a solid understanding of nursing care. ▶ Revised NCLEX-PN questions, as well as NEW alternate format questions, QRZ DOLJQ ZLWK WKH ODWHVW 1&/(; PN text plan. ▶ Nursing Process sections in each clinical chapter emphasize a nursing process approach to care and provide rationales in italics for all interventions. ▶ Nutrition Notes cover the special nutritional needs of clients with certain types of conditions. ▶ Pharmacologic Considerations highlight the special considerations students need to remember when caring for FOLHQWV ZKR DUH UHFHLYLQJ VSHFLÀF GUXJV ▶ Evidence-Based Practice boxes, including a Clinical Question, Evidence , and Nursing Implication s, illustrate how research relates to practice. ▶ Gerontologic Considerations enhance understanding of how pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, and nursing care differ for the older population. ▶ Stop, Think, and Respond exercises increase recall and practical assimilation of concepts. ▶ Drug Therapy Tables list examples of generic and trade names, mechanisms of action, common side effects, and nursing considerations. ▶ An unparalleled suite of online Instructors Resources includes new LPN Concept-Based Curriculum Maps, test JHQHUDWRU LPDJH EDQN 46(1 &RPSHWHQF\ .6$V V\OODEXV JXLGHG OHFWXUH QRWHV GLVFXVVLRQ WRSLFV OHVVRQ SODQV PowerPoint Presentations, LMS Course Cartridges, case studies, strategies for effective teaching, assignments, pre-lecture quizzes, and more. This leading content is also incorporated into Lippincott CoursePoint , a dynamic learning solution that integrates this ERRN·V FXUULFXOXP DGDSWLYH OHDUQLQJ WRROV UHDO WLPH GDWD UHSRUWLQJ DQG WKH ODWHVW HYLGHQFH EDVHG SUDFWLFH FRQWHQW WR - gether into one powerful student education solution. Lippincott CoursePoint LPSURYHV QXUVLQJ VWXGHQWV·FULWLFDO WKLQNLQJ and clinical reasoning skills to prepare them for practice. Learn more at
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2013. (ISBN: 978-1-4511-7732-9)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-5133-3 / (US$92.99(t) / £72.00(t) / €85.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 1,328 pp. / October 2017
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