NPA Q2 2024

Translation Rights Representatives

Shashank Tiwari Foreign Rights Manager (Books) tel: +91 72 0808 7383

Angel Gabriel Rodas Velazco Foreign Rights & Commercial Reprints Executive (Books, Journals & Reprints) tel: +44 (0)790 449 5349 email: Representing the following language markets: Spanish Tiantian Yang Rights Manager China (Journals & Books) tel: +86 10 5863 7876 email: Languages served: Simplified Chinese (China) Penelope Chen Rights Executive Taiwan (Books, Journals & Reprints) tel: +886 2 2370 8376 email: Languages served: Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Korean and Japanese

email: Representing the following language markets: Italian, Japanese, Portuguese Vijay Kushlani Translation Foreign Rights & Commercial Reprints Executive (Books, Journals & Reprints) tel: +91 74 0045 1617 email: Representing the following language markets: Russian, Greek, Turkish, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Arabic & Czech Therese Tshiteya Foreign Rights Commercial Reprints Executive (Books, Journals & Reprints) tel: +44 (0)788 449 1303 email: Representing the following language markets: French, German, Finnish, Swedish, Danish & Norwegian

Co-Publishing Representative

Dr. Carlos Mendoza Spanish tel: +52 555 663 3369 ext. 105 mob: +52 1 555 5401 4871 email:

Sherry Bartel Wolters Kluwer Sales Manager - Corporate, Government & LDI tel: +1 410-528-4314 email: US Catalogue & Special Sales Customers

NPA - April 2024 - June 2024 | ii

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