NPA_Q2_2017_Online Posting.pdf
April-June 2017
Nursing2018 Drug Handbook, Thirty-Eighth Edition By Edward Lee
Look for these exciting new features in the new edition of the #1 Nursing Drug Guide: Q Fully updated with more than 4,300 clinical changes to nearly 3,500 generic, brand, and combination drugs Q “New Drugs” section featuring 29 new FDA- approved generics and their corresponding brand-name drugs Q New information on the National Cancer Institute’s “Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events” classification system Q New appendices: P Understanding biosimilar drugs P Safe disposal of unused drugs: What patients need to know P Prescription drug abuse: Identifying and treating toxicity
Q Pregnancy-Lactation-Reproduction information highlighted in every monograph Q Easy-to-spot safety and clinical alerts: Black Box Warnings, Adjust-a-dose, Dialyzable drug, Overdose Signs & Symptoms, Look alike-Sound alike Drugs, IV Incompatibilities Q Nursing Considerations and Patient Teaching sections detailing the essential facts nurses need to know Q 32-page Photoguide featuring over 450 of the most commonly prescribed tablets and capsules Q Free access to Monthly Drug Updates and an Online Toolkit with hundreds of helpful tools and resources
North American Edition: Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-5359-7 / (US$44.99 / £31.50 / €37.00) Worldwide Canadian Edition Also Available: Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-5360-3 / (US$44.99 / £31.50 / €37.00) Worldwide Approx. 1,800 pp. / 5 x 8 / May 2017
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