NURSING Pediatric & Neonatal
Developmental Care of Newborns and Infants 3rd Edition By Carole Kenner, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, ANEF and Jacqueline M. McGrath, PhD, RN, FNAP, FAAN DESCRIPTION Update and empower your neonatal and newborn intensive care unit (NICU) nursing know-how, with the evidence-based Developmental Care of New- borns and Infants , 3rd Edition. This leading text on developmentally support- ive care of infants and their families addresses the full spectrum of neonatal care, from prenatal planning to delivery, plus neonatal intensive care and the transition to home. A completely updated version of the respected National Association of Neona- tal Nurses (NANN) publication, this is the definitive guide for learning current
care standards, and the ideal foundation for neonatal nurses, students, and NICU nurses. FEATURES Upgrade your neonatal and NICU nursing knowledge with this science-based guide: ▶ NEW and fully updated content and practice guidelines
North American Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑4839‑3 / ($99.99 / £N/A / €N/A / AU$147.00) US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Only International Edition / ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑7122‑3 / ($99.99 / £75.00 / €86.00 / AU$N/A) World exc US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Approx 400 pp / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / February 2022 ▶ Quality indicators for developmental care—trauma-informed conceptual model ▶ Infant mental health—essential strategies for social-emotional care of NICU families ▶ The structures and processes of critical periods of fetal development ▶ The NICU sensory environment ▶ Collaborative therapeutic positioning—multisystem and behavioral implications ▶ The high-risk infant—oral feeding, touch and massage, pain assessment and nonpharmacologic management, palliative care ▶ Developmental care beyond the NICU ▶ Expert guidance from physiology of embryonic and fetal development through to coordinated, interdisciplinary IFCDC care ▶ NEW practice standards from the European Foundation for Infants and Newborn Children ▶ NEW content aligned with the findings of the Gravens Task Force standards for high-risk newborns ▶ NEW color-enhanced photographs of infants ▶ Presents developmental care in terms of holistic awareness of infant and family and their interactions with the NICU environment ▶ Offers a framework for providing care that protects and supports the neurobehavioral development of the infant— interdisciplinary approach Chapters offer latest evidence-based findings and best practices, including: ▶ The science of infant- and family-centered developmental care—history and principles ▶ Infant- and family-centered care standards for NICU ▶ Healthcare team collaboration, including the family ▶ Theoretical perspective for individualized family-centered developmental care (IFCDC)
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