January-March 2017
New Publication Announcement
January-March 2017
ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Tenth Edition American College of Sports Medicine
This flagship title from the American College of Sports Medicine is an essential resource for all exercise professionals, as well as other health professionals who may council patients on exercise including physicians, nurses, physician’s assistants, physical and occupational therapists, dieticians, and health care administrators. This critical handbook delivers scientifically based standards on exercise testing and prescription to the certification candidate, the professional, and the student, providing succinct summaries of recommended procedures for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and diseased patients. Features of the tenth edition include:
■ ■ NEW pre-exercise health screening recommendations critical to helping more of the population begin a safe, healthy physical activity program without consulting a physician. ■ ■ NEW and expanded information on the risks of sedentary behavior, clinical exercise testing and interpretation, high intensity interval training, musculoskeletal injury risk, fitness testing protocols and norms, and an expansion of the principles of health behavior change. ■ ■ Significant reorganization of content to help you reach the content you need quickly.
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-3907-2 / ($47.99 / £38.50 / €40.00) Worldwide Paperback Spiral / ISBN: 978-1-4963-3906-5 / ($47.99 / £38.50 / €42.00) Worldwide Approx. 480 pp. / Approx. 100 Tables / February 2017
TABLE OF CONTENTS Order Placement. iv Returns Policy - Contact. iv Translation Rights Representatives. v Co-Publishing Representatives. v US Catalogue & Special Sales Customers. v Representatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi-viii International Editions. viii Product Details . viii Aldeen, Aldeen and Rosenbaum’s 1200 Questions to Help You Pass the Emergency Medicine Boards, 3e, 978-1-4963-4326-0. 6 American College of Sports Medicine ACSM’s Certification Review 5e, 978-1-4963-3877-8. 34 American College of Sports Medicine ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10e, Paperback Spiral, 978-1-4963-3907-2 . 35 American College of Sports Medicine ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10e, Softbound, 978-1-4963-3906-5. 35 Biller, Practical Neurology, 5e, 978-1-4963-2695-9. 8 Bishop, Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, Correlations, 8e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-6539-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Bishop, Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, Correlations, 8e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-3558-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Cardeñosa, Breast Imaging Companion, 4e, 978-1-4963-1496-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Carpenito, Nursing Care Plans: Transitional Patient & Family Centered Care, 7e, 978-1-4963-4926-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chi, Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 7e, 978-1-4963-4002-3. 9 Ciesielski, Washington Manual ® General Internal Medicine Consult, 3e, The Washington Manual ® Subspecialty, 978-1-4963-4632-2. 7 Dähnert, Radiology Review Manual, 8e, 978-1-4963-6069-4. 20 Eliopoulos, Gerontological Nursing, 9e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-7725-8. 26 Eliopoulos, Gerontological Nursing, 9e, North American Edition, 978-0-06-000038-7. 26 Ferrier, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, 7e, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series, International Edition, 978-1-4963-6354-1. 1 Ferrier, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, 7e, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-4449-6. 1 Fisher, Moffet’s Pediatric Infectious Diseases: A Problem-Oriented Approach, 5e, 978-1-4963-0554-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Gehrig, Patient Assessment Tutorials: A Step-By-Step Guide for the Dental Hygienist, 4e, 978-1-4963-3500-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hecht, Spine Injuries in Athletes, 978-1-4963-6026-7. 10 Hoda, Rosen’s Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy, 4e, 978-1-4963-0725-5. 13
TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Holli, Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals, 7e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-6824-9. 41 Holli, Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals, 7e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-3914-0. 41 Krakowski, The Scar Book: Formation, Mitigation, Rehabilitation and Prevention, 978-1-4963-2238-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lautenbacher, Pain in Dementia, 978-1-4963-3213-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Marquis, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 9e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-6140-0. 28 Marquis, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 9e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-4979-8. 28 Meleis, Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress, 6e, 978-0-06-000042-4. 29 Morton, Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach, 11e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-7516-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Morton, Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach, 11e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-1562-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Noffsinger, Fenoglio-Preiser’s Gastrointestinal Pathology, 4e, 978-1-4963-2907-3. 14 Orth, Essentials of Radiologic Science, 2e, 978-1-4963-1727-8. 37 Phelps, Sparks & Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide, 3e, 978-1-4963-4785-5 . 24 Phelps, Sparks & Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, 10e, International Edition 978-1-4963-4783-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Phelps, Sparks & Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, 10e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-4781-7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Plowman, Exercise Physiology for Health Fitness and Performance, 5e, 978-1-4963-2318-7. 36 Polit, Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 9e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-5835-6. 30 Polit, Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 9e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-5129-6. 30 Polit, Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 9e, 978-1-4963-5469-3 . 31 Rector, Community & Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 9e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-7449-3. 27 Rector, Community & Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 9e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-4982-8. 27 Rimmerman, Interactive Electrocardiography, 3e, 978-1-4963-0051-5. 2 Sadock, Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 4e, 978-1-4963-4525-7 . 18 Sroda, Nutrition for Dental Health: A Guide for the Dental Professional, 3e, 978-1-4963-3343-8. 33 Steinberg, Electrophysiology: The Basics, 2e, 978-1-4963-4001-6 . 3 Stoller, Stoller’s Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Knee Package, Print Edition Packaged with Stoller Lecture Videos and Stoller Notes, 4e, 978-1-4963-1828-2. 11 Taylor, Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application, 5e, 978-1-4511-9034-2 . 43
TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Turgeon, Clinical Hematology: Theory & Procedures, 6e, International Edition, 978-1-4963-6535-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Turgeon, Clinical Hematology: Theory & Procedures, 6e, North American Edition, 978-1-4963-3228-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Urman, Pocket ICU, 2e, Pocket Notebook Series, 978-1-4963-5817-2 . 4 Vang, Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Gynecologic Tract, 978-1-4963-3294-3. 15 Werner, Scheumann’s The Balanced Body: A Guide to the Integrated Deep Tissue Therapy System, 4e, 978-1-4963-4611-7. 40 West, West’s Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 9e, 978-1-4963-3944-7. 16 Width, The Essential Pocket Guide for Clinical Nutrition, 2e, 978-1-4963-3916-4. 42 Wolters Kluwer, ACLS Review Made Incredibly Easy! ® , 3e, Incredibly Easy! Series ® , 978-1-4963-5499-0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
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MEDICAL Biochemistry
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry Seventh Edition Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Series By Denise Ferrier
DESCRIPTION Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry is the long-es- tablished, first-and-best resource for the essentials of biochem-
istry. Students rely on this text to help them quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information. For more than two decades, faculty and students have praised this best-selling biochemistry textbook for its matchless illustrations that make concepts come to life. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Master all the latest biochemistry knowledge, thanks to extensive revisions and updated content throughout, including an expanded chapter on macronutrients, a completely new chapter on micronutrients, and much more. A bonus chapter on blood clotting with new, additional questions is included online. ▶ ▶ See how biochemistry applies to everyday healthcare through integrative, chapter-based cases as well as “Clinical” boxes throughout. ▶ ▶ Learn and study effortlessly with a concise outline format, abundant full-color artwork, and chapter overviews and summaries. ▶ ▶ Look for icons that signal an animation at thePoint or an integrative clinical case in the Appendix. ▶ ▶ Assess and reinforce your learning with more than 200 new review questions available online.
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in May, 2013. (North American ISBN: 978-1-4511-7562-2; International ISBN: 978-1-4511-8753-3)
North American Edition / Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4449-6 / (US$76.99 / £N/A / €N/A) USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands (St. Thomas & St. Croix) International Edition / Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-6354-1 / (US$76.99 / £31.00 / €38.00) World ex. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands (St. Thomas & St. Croix) Approx. 560 pp. / 600 in Full Color / Approx. 19 Tables / 8.375 x 10.875 / January 2017
MEDICAL Cardiology
Interactive Electrocardiography Third Edition
By Curtis M. Rimmerman, Gus P. Karos Chair, Clinical Cardiovas- cular Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Heart and Vascular Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH DESCRIPTION Improve your electrocardiogram interpretation skills with this outstanding workbook/electronic resource! Interactive Elec-
trocardiography, Third Edition is an ideal learning tool for expanding and refining your interpreta- tion skills at any level. A comprehensive collection of common and uncommon electrocardiograms works seamlessly with an interactive electronic tutorial to provide an easy-to-use learning resource and navigable reference library for healthcare workers of differing specialties and experience. FEATURES ▶ ▶ 500 common and uncommon ECGs (300 are new!) are grouped into three levels of complexity: beginning, intermediate, and advanced – perfect for systematic review at your own pace. ▶ ▶ Unique electronic features include tracings with labeled color-coded annotation arrows and accompanied by a clinical history, interpretation, and list of diagnostic keywords. The keywords can be used for quick searches when retrieving examples of specific electrocardiogram findings and diagnoses. ▶ ▶ The workbook contains life-size reproductions of each electrocardiogram on the electronic tutorial. Simply examine the workbook, then code the answer electronically and receive immediate feedback. ▶ ▶ The electronic tutorial provides additional clinical information, expert author electrocardiogram interpretation, annotations, comments, key word listings, multiple-choice questions, and diagnostic categories unique for each tracing reinforcing key interpretation concepts. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: ▶ ▶ Complete content with enhanced navigation ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web ▶ ▶ Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation ▶ ▶ Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text ▶ ▶ Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues ▶ ▶ Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2007. (ISBN: 978 0-7817-7863-3)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-0051-5 / (US$149.99 / £101.00(t) / €121.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 512 pp. / Approx. 500 Illus. / Approx. 300 2-Color Illus. / 10.875 x 8.375 / March 2017
MEDICAL Cardiology
Electrophysiology The Basics Second Edition
By Jonathan S. Steinberg, MD , Professor of Medicine (adj), Univer- sity of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, New York, Director, SMG Arrhythmia Institute, Director, Cardiac Clinical Trials and Education, Summit Medical Group, Short Hills, NJ and Suneet Mittal, MD, FACC, FHRS, Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory, The Valley Health System, Ridgewood, NJ
DESCRIPTION Fully revised and updated, the second edition of Electrophysi- ology : The Basics remains a trusted, practical reference for
those who are learning the foundational concepts of electrophysiology. A clear, non-technical style, a new full-color format, and heavily updated content make this an ideal reference not only for cardi- ology fellows in EP rotations, but also for residents, nurses, medical students, physicians reviewing for recertification, and staff in the arrhythmia/cardiac device clinic. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Thoroughly updated to keep you current with recent advances in atrial arrhythmias, syncope, indications for cardiac rhythm management devices, and much more. ▶ ▶ Closely follows the specific content recommended for EP training programs. ▶ ▶ Enhanced with a new, full-color format to help you navigate the content and study more efficiently. ▶ ▶ Key references are provided for those who wish to expand their knowledge with foundational literature in EP. ▶ ▶ Authored by international experts in electrophysiology education. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: ▶ ▶ Complete content with enhanced navigation ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web ▶ ▶ Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation ▶ ▶ Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text ▶ ▶ Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues ▶ ▶ Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2009. (ISBN: 978-1-6054-7343-7)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4001-6 / (US$79.99 / £59.00 / €68.00) Worldwide Approx. 348 pp. / Approx. 146 Illus. / Approx. 34 Tables / 5 x 8 / January 2017
MEDICAL Critical Care Medicine
Pocket ICU Second Edition Pocket Notebook Series
By Richard D. Urman, MD , Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hos- pital, Boston, MA and Gyorgy Frendl, MD, PhD , Assistant Profes- sor, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
DESCRIPTION Part of the popular Pocket Notebook Series, Pocket ICU, Sec- ond Edition provides concise, evidence-based information for critical care students, interns, residents, and professionals at all levels of experience. Now fully revised and up to date, this por- table handbook can be used for quick, easy reference both in the wards and in the operating room.
FEATURES ▶ ▶ Provides fast access to the most relevant, evidence-based information in every area of critical care, including adult and pediatric critical care, neuro-critical care, cardiac critical care, and transplant, burn, and neonatal critical care. ▶ ▶ Includes a new chapter, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Ventricular Assist Devices ▶ ▶ Addresses special considerations for obese patients and older adults with critical illness ▶ ▶ Features an improved table of contents and index for faster access to essential information. ▶ ▶ Includes current contributions from leading critical care experts, as well as the most recent evidence available in the field. ▶ ▶ Uses a reader-friendly, bulleted outline format with numerous tables and diagrams throughout.
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in August, 2012. (ISBN: 978-1-4511-0984-9)
Loose Leaf Binder / ISBN: 978-1-4963-5817-2 / (US$64.99 / £43.99 / €51.00) Worldwide Approx. 412 pp. / March 2017
MEDICAL Dermatology
The Scar Book Formation, Mitigation, Rehabilitation and Prevention By Andrew C. Krakowski, MD, Founder and Director; Kids’ Scar Treatment and Revision Program (S.T.A.R.), Rady Children’s Hospital, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego, CA and Peter R. Shumaker, MD, Captain, United States Navy, Chairman, Dermatology, Naval Medical Center San Diego, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, San Diego, CA DESCRIPTION Apply cutting-edge expertise to manage your patients’ scar- ring issues! Scarring and fibrosis affect millions of people world- wide, and can be devastating both physically and psychologically, whether they result from major trauma such as burns or common
conditions such as acne. Put today’s most advanced clinical approaches to work for your patients with The Scar Book: Formation, Mitigation, Rehabilitation and Prevention ! A multidisciplinary team of leading world experts presents the state of the art in scar pathophysiology and treatment, breaking down the bar- riers between medical disciplines to provide unprecedented holistic guidance. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Grasp the full scope of the problem with a section on “Perspectives,” which presents insights into the history and current state of trauma rehabilitation, reconstruction, and scar management, and examines some of the ethical principles that serve to guide decision making. ▶ ▶ Understand scar pathophysiology with a section on “Formation” that covers the development of normotrophic, hypertrophic, and atrophic scars after cutaneous injury. ▶ ▶ Apply interventions that expedite wound healing and minimize scarring after injury with a section on “Mitigation.” ▶ ▶ Reduce the impact of existing scars,both large and small, with a comprehensive section on “Rehabilitation” that encompasses a wide range of treatment options including medical management, surgical revision, lasers and light devices, fat grafting, multimodal scar management, physical measures, scar camouflage, mental health support, and considerations in special populations such as children and patients with skin of color. ▶ ▶ Explore scar-related research and future advances with a section on “Prevention.” Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-2238-8 / (US$159.99 / £128.00 / €148.00) Worldwide Approx. 400 pp. / Approx. 241 Illus. / 100 in Full Color / 8.375 x 10.875 / March 2017
MEDICAL Emergency Medicine
Aldeen and Rosenbaum’s 1200 Questions to Help You Pass the Emergency Medicine Boards Third Edition
By Amer Aldeen, and David H. Rosenbaum, MD , Wake Emer- gency Physicians, P.A., WakeMed Health and Hospitals, Raleigh, NC; Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of North Caro- lina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
DESCRIPTION Fully revised and updated based on valuable reader feedback, Aldeen and Rosenbaum’s 1200 Questions to Help You Pass
the Emergency Medicine Boards, Third Edition gives you the tools you need to pass the ABEM board exam on the first try. Questions are slightly more difficult than the average exam question, in order to challenge and add to your knowledge and fully prepare you for questions you’re likely to see. Every question in this Third Edition has been reviewed for quality and relevance, ensuring that this unique study tool is an ideal choice to prepare for both the in-service residency exam and the board exam in emergency medicine. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Incorporates cutting-edge information from every area of emergency medicine: internal medicine, surgical specialty areas, dentistry, trauma, obstetrics, pediatrics, toxicology, environmental, psychiatry, radiology, dermatology, EMS, and bioterrorism. ▶ ▶ Includes 200 all-new questions throughout the 12 individual exams. ▶ ▶ Features case-based and image-based questions, as well as concise rationales for correct and incorrect answers. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in June, 2012. (ISBN: 978-1-4511-3162-8)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4326-0 / (US$109.99 / £74.00 / €86.00) Worldwide Approx. 480 pp. / Approx. 159 Illus. / Approx. 98 2-Color Illus. / 61 in Full Color / 8.375 x 10.875 / February 2017
MEDICAL Internal Medicine
Washington Manual ® General Internal Medicine Consult Third Edition The Washington Manual® Subspecialty Editor: Thomas M. Ciesielski, MD , Instructor in Medicine, Division of Medical Education, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO Series Editor: Thomas M. De Fer, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Medical Education, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO DESCRIPTION Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual ® General Internal Medicine Consult, Third Edition , provides quick access to the essential information needed when performing an in- patient consult. Chapters are organized around presenting symptom
(e.g., approach to nausea, approach to low back pain), allowing quick look-up of differential diag- nosis and management. Ideal for medical students, residents, and practitioners, the manual is also useful as a quick-reference guide for practicing hospitalists. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Brief, focused information throughout, zeroing in on the essential diagnosis and assessment information you need for an internal medicine consult. ▶ ▶ Thoroughly revised to include new approaches to diagnosis and new therapeutic management, as well as an all-new chapter on venous thromboembolic disease. ▶ ▶ Organized by presenting symptom, making information easy to find so you can maximize your time spent during the consult. ▶ ▶ Perfect for residents asked to perform a medical consult, hospitalists, students, NPs, and PAs. ▶ ▶ Written by residents, fellows, and attending physicians from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in September, 2008. (ISBN: 978-0-7817-9155-7)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4632-2 / (US$59.99 / £39.99 / €46.00) Worldwide Approx. 320 pp. / Approx. 9 Illus. / Approx. 50 Tables / 5 x 8 / January 2017
MEDICAL Neurology
Practical Neurology Fifth Edition
By José Biller MD, FACP, FAAN, FAHA, Professor, Departments of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, Chairman, Department of Neu- rology, Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine, May- wood, IL
DESCRIPTION Put key neurology information at your fingertips and success- fully apply it in practice with Practical Neurology, Fifth Edi- tion . This popular reference is a concise complement to core neurology texts, providing easy access to the clinically relevant
information you need to know. Organized in a reader-friendly outline format with straightforward, templated chapters, this edition contains new chapters that highlight recent advances in neurothera- peutics and clinical neurosciences, 82 new clinical videos, and fully updated content throughout. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Features five all-new chapters: Approach to the Ataxic Patient, Approach to the Patient with Functional Disorders in the Neurology Clinic, Approach to the Patient with Suspected Brain Death, Approach to Common Emergencies in Pediatric Neurology, and Inherited Metabolic Neurologic Disorders. ▶ ▶ Includes access to more than 80 new clinical videos online, providing real-world exposure to a variety of clinical problems. ▶ ▶ Uses a problem-oriented format that shows you how to approach the patient with a variety of disorders; the second half of the book discusses treatment options. ▶ ▶ Presents the tried-and-true approaches of seasoned practitioners, as well as fresh perspectives from new authors. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: ▶ ▶ Complete content with enhanced navigation ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web ▶ ▶ Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation ▶ ▶ Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text ▶ ▶ Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues ▶ ▶ Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in April, 2012. (ISBN: 978-1-4511-4263-1)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-2695-9 / (US$114.99 / £77.00 / €89.00) Worldwide Approx. 962 pp. / Approx. 138 Illus. / 47 in Full Color / 6 x 9 / January 2017
MEDICAL Oncology
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology Seventh Edition By Dennis S. Chi, MD, Deputy Chief, Head of Ovarian Cancer Sur- gery, Gynecology Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; Andrew Berchuck, MD, Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstet- rics and Gynecology, Director, Gynecologic Cancer Program, Duke Cancer Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; Don S. Dizon, MD, FACP, Clinical Co-Director, Gynecologic Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; Catheryn Yashar, MD, Profes- sor, Chief of Breast and Gynecologic Services, Medical Director La Jolla, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
DESCRIPTION A new global focus, new editorial team, and new content make Principles and Practice of Gyneco- logic Oncology, 7th Edition an invaluable resource for practitioners, researchers, and students who need an authoritative reference for understanding and treating gynecologic cancers. This edition maintains the practical, multidisciplinary approach that encompasses surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, and pathology, reflecting the many recent advances in each area. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Includes an updated chapter on pharmacology of gynecologic cancers and a new chapter on targeted therapies. ▶ ▶ Features an enhanced global focus with unique perspectives on patterns of incidence, mortality, and treatment worldwide, as well as commentary on similarities and differences in management between different countries. ▶ ▶ Provides more frequent updates online, plus new videos depicting surgical techniques. ▶ ▶ Contains more than 450 illustrations throughout – most in color. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published May, 2013. (ISBN 978-1-4511-7659-9)
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4002-3 / (US$259.99 / £182.00 / €211.00) Worldwide Approx. 1024 pp. / Approx. 595 Illus. / 420 in Full Color / 8.375 x 10.875 / March 2017
MEDICAL Orthopaedics
Spine Injuries in Athletes By Andrew Hecht, Chief, Spine Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital and Mount Sinai Health System, Director, Mount Sinai Spine Center, Associate Professor Orthopae- dic and Neurosurgery, Mt. Sinai Medical Center and Icahn School of Medicine, New York, NY DESCRIPTION Navigate the unique clinical issues involved in treating athletes who have spinal injuries. A team of peerless authorities in sports medicine share their unparalleled expertise in Spine Injuries in Athletes , published in partnership with the AAOS. This unique and practical clinical reference culls today’s best approaches for managing these injuries, optimizing function, and ensur- ing quick but safe return to play whenever possible.
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-6026-7 / (US$159.99 / £107.00(t) / €128.00(t)) Worldwide 309 pp. / Approx. 2 2-Color Illus. / 67 in Full Color / Approx. 75 Tables / 8.375 x 10.875 / March 2017 ▶ ▶ Check your clinical decision-making skills with real-world scenarios involving a variety of athletic cervical and lumbar spine injuries, and compare your responses to those of a panel of respected specialists. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline ▶ ▶ Over an hour of on field simulation videos that help readers learn what to look for, what to do, and how to do it ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click See the inside front cover to find out how to access your eBook! FEATURES ▶ ▶ Ensure proper on-field management and evaluation, transport, and pharmacologic management with the aid of evidence-based “how-to” advice from leading experts. ▶ ▶ Refine your on-field decisions with over an hour of video simulations that depict real-life examples of how to handle a variety of situations. ▶ ▶ Implement effective surgical and non-surgical treatment and rehabilitation plans , tailored to the sport- specific needs of each patient. ▶ ▶ Navigate the practical reality of managing both elite athletes and weekend warriors through step-by- step guidance on return-to-play criteria and decision making. ▶ ▶ Manage the most common injury patterns affecting the cervical and lumbar spine , including stingers/ burners, cervical cord neurapraxias, cervical disk herniation, cervical stenosis, congenital cervical anomalies, cervical trauma, lumbar disk herniation, spondylolysis/ spondylolisthesis, lumbar degenerative disk disease, pelvic and hip disorders that mimic spine problems, and thoracic disk herniation, as well as issues that confront the aging athlete. ▶ ▶ Apply cohesive strategies for managing concussions on field and determining return to play in the days and weeks that follow, with advice from key leaders in the field.
MEDICAL Orthopaedics
Stoller’s Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Knee Package Print Edition Packaged with Stoller Lecture Videos and Stoller Notes David W. Stoller, MD, FACR, National Director , Orthopaedic and Musculo- skeletal Imaging, RadNet; Medical Director , Orthopaedic and Musculoskeletal Imaging, Beverly Radiology—Northern California, San Francisco, CA; Affiliate Member, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons DESCRIPTION View the knee like never before with this outstanding multimedia pack- age from a world-renowned expert! Stoller’s Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Knee is now available in a package that includes the print book, Stoller lecture videos, “Stoller Notes,” plus much more.
More than 25 years of trailblazing knee research and clinical experience are combined into one comprehensive, must-have package. Now you can access this essential knowledge, along with the most extensive cadaver MR correlation available, to hone your skills in knee imaging. Concise, bulleted text accompanied by hundreds of clear line drawings, full-color illustrations, and high-quality images allow for rapid understanding and easy ac- cess to information. FEATURES Stoller’s Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Knee Package includes: ▶ ▶ Print book ▶ ▶ 3.5 Hours of never-before-released videos of Dr. Stoller’s lecture slides with accompanying narration ▶ ▶ The full text in ebook format with enhanced navigation ▶ ▶ ‘Stoller Notes’ that provide deeper insight into the material ▶ ▶ A powerful search tool that pulls results from the book, reader’s notes, and the web ▶ ▶ Cross-linked PubMed pages, references, and more ▶ ▶ Note taking, highlighting, sharing and tabbing tools for easy reference to key content This one-of-a-kind package also offers: ▶ ▶ One of the most comprehensive collections of color illustrations of orthopaedic pathoanatomy available ▶ ▶ The proven Stoller Checklist approach to MR joint interpretation for accurate and reproducible image interpretation ▶ ▶ Key concepts that emphasize and reinforce critical information ▶ ▶ Detailed and comprehensive figure legends that not only describe an image, but provide essential information about the disorder ▶ ▶ 3T and high resolution MR images ▶ ▶ Arthroscopy and surgical correlation ▶ ▶ New coverage of meniscal repair; isometry and graft position, plus double bundle; posterolateral corner; combined injury pattern, ACL plus PCL; patellar stabilization; and more
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-1828-2 / (US$399.99 / £267.00) / €320.00) Worldwide Approx. 1,000 pp. / Approx. 1,800 Illus. / 480 in full-color / December 2016
MEDICAL Pain Management
Pain in Dementia By Stefan Lautenbacher, PhD , Physiological Psychology, Univer- sity of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany, and Stephen J. Gibson, PhD, Professor, Deputy Director, National Ageing Research Institute, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
DESCRIPTION A high percentage of patients with dementia experience de- bilitating pain. Untreated, it can result in mental and physical impairment; a higher frequency of neuropsychiatric symptoms
such as agitation, depression, and sleep problems; and adverse events such as falls, hallucination, and even death. With the help of Pain in Dementia, you can learn new ways to give these patients a better quality of life . A multidisciplinary team of leading experts navigates the complex clinical challenges associated with pain among these patients. They identify the sources of pain, even in pa- tients who have trouble communicating, and recommend the most effective pain treatment options. FEATURES ▶ ▶ Diagnose pain using today’s best methods , including self-report measures, observer ratings, psychophysical and behavioral pain analysis, and more. ▶ ▶ Avoid inappropriate use of pain medication through coverage of pharmacologic and non- pharmacologic management options, including exercise and physical therapy, psychological approaches, placebo analgesia, and palliative care. ▶ ▶ Understand the current knowledge gaps and join the search for better solutions.
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-3213-4 / (US$96.00 / £77.00 / €89.00) Worldwide Approx. 336 pp. / Approx. 27 Illus. / 12 in Full Color / Approx. 35 Tables / 7 x 10 / February 2017
MEDICAL Pathology
Rosen’s Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy Fourth Edition By Syed A. Hoda, MD , Professor of Clinical Pathology, Weill Medical Col- lege of Cornell University; Attending Pathologist, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell Center, New York, NY; Paul Peter Rosen, MD , Professor of Pathology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Chief of Breast Pathology, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell Center, New York, NY; Edi Brogi, MD, PHD , Attending Pathologist and Director of Breast Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY; Frederick C. Koerner, MD , Associate Professor of Pathology Massachusetts General Hospital DESCRIPTION Accurately identify the full range of clinical and pathological entities
with Rosen’s Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy , Fourth Edition! With guidance from the same trusted authorities responsible for the esteemed clinical reference, Rosen’s Breast Pathology, you’ll gain mas- terful insights on how to confidently meet diagnostic challenges on needle core biopsy material. These challenges are summarized in the three maxims stated by Dr Paul Peter Rosen in the Preface to the First Edition of this book, and which continue to relevant today: 1. Anything can turn up. 2. What you see is what you have. It may not be all there is. 3. What you see may be all there is. The pathologist must always keep these precepts in mind when offering a diagnosis based on limited material in needle core biopsy samples. This book will serve as a complete guide to interpreting this material. Furthermore, the reader will: FEATURES ▶ ▶ Discern subtle features that point to a conclusive diagnosis thanks to complete, richly illustrated coverage of both common and uncommon needle core biopsy findings. ▶ ▶ Compare your findings to a treasury of outstanding illustrations that capture the telltale appearance of each lesion. ▶ ▶ Apply the latest knowledge in the field with completely revised content throughout—including cutting- edge information on molecular pathology; updated information on specimen handling and ancillary testing; current treatment and management recommendations; citations to latest reference sources; and much more. ▶ ▶ Correlate pathological, radiological, and clinical findings to reach the most informed diagnoses. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: ▶ ▶ The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline ▶ ▶ Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks ▶ ▶ Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design ▶ ▶ The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in July, 2010. (ISBN: 978-1-60831-670-0)
Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-0725-5 / (US$239.99 / £170.00 / €197.00) Worldwide Approx. 544 pp. / Approx. 1,477 Illus. / 1474 in Full Color / 8.375 x 10.875 / February 2017
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