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NURSING Diagnosis

Sparks & Taylor’s Nursing Diagnosis Pocket Guide 4th Edition By Linda Lee Phelps , DNP , RN

DESCRIPTION This concise, easy-to-read pocket guide puts everything stu- dents need to formulate nursing diagnoses and construct care plans right at their fingertips. Incorporating the latest NANDA- I Nursing Diagnoses, this updated edition integrates the nursing process throughout and fits in a pocket for fast, efficient use in any clinical, classroom or simulation setting. A consistent, full-

color design makes accessing information and designing care plans quick and easy, and up-to-date, evidence-based coverage helps students craft plans that meet patients’ healthcare needs throughout

the lifespan. FEATURES

▶ UPDATED! 2018-2020 NANDA-I diagnosis and standards , Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) labels incorporated throughout ensure clinical confidence and the most effective care plans. ▶ NEW! 17 new diagnoses keep students on the cutting edge of nursing practice. ▶ UPDATED! Alphabetical diagnoses organization ensures fast, efficient reference. ▶ Compact, portable format provides fast access to all information needed to construct a care plan during a clinical day. ▶ Color-coded monographs help students quickly locate essential information in any care setting. ▶ A unique assessment framework simplifies the writing of care plans with a comprehensive, easy-to-use template.

North American Edition / Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-9751-4499-9 / ($49.99(t) / £N/A / €N/A) World International Edition / Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-9751-5210-9 / ($49.99(t) / £28.50 / €32.00) World exc US, CAN, AUS, NZ, PR, USVI Approx. 688 pp. / 4.25 x 7.125 / February 2020

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in February 2017 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-4785-5).


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