NPA Jan-Mar2021
NURSING Home & Community Care
Canadian Community As Partner Theory & Multidisciplinary Practice 5th Edition By Ardene Robinson Vollman and Suzanne F. Jackson DESCRIPTION Canadian Community as Partner: Theory & Multidisci- plinary Practice , 5th Edition, is an engaging introduction to the theoretical and practical foundations of successful Cana- dian community and population health. Valued by students and practicing nurses alike, this acclaimed text provides a comprehensive guide to community and public health nursing that satisfies the educational needs of today’s nursing students and helps tomorrow’s nurses confidently meet the unique chal - lenges of caring for the Canadian public. Addressing popula-
tion health through the Canadian Community-as-Partner (CCAP) model, Canadian Community as Partner presents this multidisciplinary approach to community care from the ground up, establish- ing the theoretical foundations of community practice and taking students step by step through the processes of the CCAP model and its application to practice. Through unique case studies, authors Ardene Vollman and Suzanne Jackson provide concrete examples of how to effectively apply the Community-as-Partner model in a diverse range of real Canadian communities. This edition also features a wealth of visual aids that highlight core theoretical concepts and an array of exercises and activities that reinforce students’ ability to effectively apply what they’ve learned. FEATURES ▶ UPDATED! Case studies drawn from real Canadian nursing practice demonstrate how to effectively apply the CCAP model across a diverse range of Canadian community and public health scenarios. ▶ UPDATED! An array of teaching and learning resources—available on thePoint ® —reduce class preparation time and keep students engaged. ▶ Diagrams, tables, and frameworks clarify core theoretical concepts. ▶ Learning Objectives keep students focused on the most important content. ▶ Take Note boxes alert students to key insights throughout the steps of the CCAP process, from assessment to evaluation. ▶ Critical Thinking Exercises throughout the text reinforce essential concepts and challenge students to apply their knowledge.
Paperback / ISBN: 978-1-9751-4137-0 / ($94.99 / £71.00 / €81.00 / AU$149.00) Canada Approx. 502 pp. / 7 x 10 / January 2021
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in 2016-07-26 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-3998-0).
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