NPA Jan-Mar2021
MEDICAL Orthopedics
Manual of Orthopaedics 8th Edition Lippincott ® Manual Series By Marc F. Swiontkowski, Steven D. Stowitz, and Dagan Cloutier DESCRIPTION Manual of Orthopaedics , Eighth Edition provides you with quick access to the orthopaedic information needed to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries and diseases with confidence. This user-friendly handbook covers the full range musculoskel- etal conditions, from the commonly encountered seen in pri- mary care medicine to the catastrophic seen in the emergency rooms and orthopaedic clinics. Treatment algorithms and illus- trations support the text and offer visual guidance. Amust-have resource for students, residents, primary care providers, emer- gent and urgent care providers, and orthopaedic providers in all practice environments.
Paperback / ISBN: 978-1-9751-4335-0 / ($64.99 / £48.99 / €56.00 / AU$97.95) World Approx. 612 pp. / January 2021
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October 2012 (ISBN: 978-81-8473-823-0).
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