NPA Jan-Mar2021
MEDICAL Family & General Practice
Primary Care: Evaluation and Management of Obesity 1st Edition By Robert F. Kushner, Daniel H. Bessesen, and Adam H. Gilden DESCRIPTION Written by and for primary care professionals, this unique title presents step-by-step, evidence-based information for the assessment and treatment of patients who present with over- weight or obesity. Highly practical and easy to use, Primary Care: Evaluation and Management of Obesity helps you develop and hone the specific knowledge, skills, and clini - cal practices necessary to provide effective care to this highly prevalent and at-risk patient population. This comprehensive
guide is an essential resource for today’s internal medicine and family medicine physicians, pedia - tricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals who practice outpatient primary care. FEATURES ▶ Each chapter begins with a short case study that emphasizes the chapter topic, providing high- yield content you can apply in your practice. ▶ Key topics include assessment; co-management of associated diseases; lifestyle treatment (diet, physical activity, and behavioral management); pharmacotherapy and surgery; and office practice issues. ▶ Clinical Significance sections help you incorporate a wealth of clinical data into your practice; Clinical Highlights summarize key concepts in each chapter; and When to Refer sections help you determine the right time to send the patient to a specialist or other practical resource. ▶ Case-based multiple choice questions in each chapter provide an opportunity for self-assessment and review.
Paperback / ISBN: 978-1-9751-4575-0 / ($109.99 / £83.00 / €95.00 / AU$173.00) World Approx. 304 pp. / March 2021
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