NMS. Casos Clínicos


Welcome to the third edition of NMS Surgery Casebook . The cases in this book represent how surgeons think andmake decisions about clinical problems. We have attempted to write it in a way that allows us to “talk to you” as you read it, so that the book will be the next best thing to teaching in person. The cases are organized by systems address the common presentations of clinical problems. The history and physical examination clues, radiologic images, and other figures help you formulate a differential and ultimately a diagnosis. Case variations are also presented to help you consider the appropriate treatment of patients with various complications and coexisting conditions. We have also aimed to create more alignment and synergy with the companion NMS Surgery text by incorporating a similar organization and flow with NMS Surgery. Statistics, evidence, and practice guidelines have been updated throughout the book. In addition, readers familiar with the Casebook will notice the addition of hundreds of full-color illustrations to better illuminate key concepts. For the tremendous work put into this edition, we thank the individual contributors. Their high-quality and frequently punctual contributions have made our jobs as editors pleasant. We are also grateful to the editorial team at Wolters Kluwer for their guidance and support throughout the process. Bruce E. Jarrell, MD Stephen M. Kavic, MD Eric D. Strauch, MD SAMPLE


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