Nursing2024 Drug Handbook

How to use Nursing2024 Drug Handbook ® The best-selling nursing drug guide for

unused drugs, tumor lysis syndrome, serotonin syndrome, biosimilar drugs, and Canadian drug schedules and safe administration tools ⦁ Thoroughly updated appendices containing indications and dosages of various classes and groupings of drugs–antidotes, antidiarrheals, ophthalmic drugs, laxatives, antacids, biologi- cals and blood derivatives, vaccines and toxoids, vitamins and minerals, common combination drugs, and less commonly used drugs ⦁ Photoguide featuring 415 full-color, actual- sized tablets and capsules. Introductory chapters Chapter 1, “Drug actions, interactions, and re- actions,”explains how drugs work in the body. It provides a general overview of drug proper- ties (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) and other significant factors affecting drug action (including protein bind- ing, patient’s age, underlying disease, dosage form, and route and timing of administration). Also discussed are drug interactions, adverse reactions, and toxic reactions. Chapter 2, “Drug therapy across the lifespan,”discusses the dan- ger associated with indiscriminate use of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding and the special precautions women should take when medications are necessary. This chapter also covers the unique challenges of giving drugs to children and older adults and offers practical suggestions on how to minimize problems with these special populations. Chapter 3, “Safe drug administration,”explores the ongoing involve- ment of governmental and nongovernmental organizations weighing in on drug safety issues and the necessary measures nurses must take to prevent medication errors from occurring. Chapter 4, “Selected therapeutic drug classifications,” summarizes the indications, actions, and contraindications and cautions of more than 59 drug classes represented in Nursing2024 Drug Handbook . Generic drugs within each class are also listed, allowing nurses to quickly identify and compare similar drugs when patients can’t tolerate or don’t respond to a particular drug. Drug monographs Each generic drug monograph in Nursing2024 Drug Handbook includes the most pertinent clinical information nurses must know to administer medications safely, monitor for

44 years, Nursing Drug Handbook is meticu- lously reviewed and updated annually by phar- macists and nurses to include the most current, relevant information that practicing nurses and students need to know to administer medica- tions safely in any health care setting. As in previous editions, Nursing2024 Drug Handbook emphasizes nursing and safety aspects of drug administration without attempting to replace detailed pharmacology texts. Only the most essential information is included, and helpful graphic symbols, logos, and highlighting draw special attention to critical details that can’t be overlooked. Outstanding features The 44th edition provides a wealth of the latest drug information right at your fingertips: ⦁ Tabbed “NewDrugs” section–ensures quick access to 21 completely new drug monographs introduced in this edition ⦁ Features the latest information on thousands of generic, brand, and combination drugs in- cluded in 690 comprehensive drug monographs and 27 appendices ⦁ Drug safety always at the forefront–look for prominently displayed safety alerts, drug warn- ings, ISMP tall-man letters to help differentiate similarly spelled drug names, plus a special chapter on promoting safe drug administra- tion—with updated guidelines on administering opioid analgesics, preventing and treating IV extravasation injury, safe handling of hazardous drugs, and best practices to ensure patient safety and reduce drug errors ⦁ Special logos and symbols throughout to emphasize FDA boxed warnings, clinical alerts, new indications, necessary dosage adjustments, overdose signs and symptoms, off-label uses, drugs that shouldn’t be crushed or chewed, over-the-counter drugs, biosimilar drugs, Canadian drugs, look alike–sound alike drugs, and the dialyzability status of each drug ⦁ Genetic symbols pinpointing monographs and specific genetic-related information to help select and guide drug therapy ⦁ Pregnancy-Lactation-Reproduction section in each monograph–captures all relevant informa- tion in one convenient place ⦁ Key appendices reviewing prescription drug abuse, dangerous abbreviations to avoid, thera- peutic monitoring guidelines, safe disposal of


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