Miller-The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine, 7e
Psychiatry/Addiction Medicine
The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine
Shannon C. Miller, MD, DFASAM, DLFAPA Richard N. Rosenthal, MD, MA, DLFAPA, DFAAAP, FASAM Sharon Levy, MD, MPH, FASAM, FAAP Andrew J. Saxon, MD, FASAM Jeanette M. Tetrault, MD, FACP, FASAM Sarah E. Wakeman, MD, FASAM
Principles of Addiction Medicine, seventh edition is a fully reimagined resource, integrating the latest advancements and research in addiction treatment. Prepared for physicians in internal medicine, psychiatry, and nearly every medical specialty, the seventh edition is the most comprehensive publication in addiction medicine. It offers detailed information to help physicians navigate addiction treatment for all patients, not just those seeking treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs). Published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine and edited by Shannon C. Miller, MD, Richard N. Rosenthal, MD, Sharon Levy, MD, Andrew J. Saxon, MD, Jeanette M. Tetrault, MD, and Sarah E. Wakeman, MD, this edition is a testament to the collective experience and wisdom of 350 medical, research, and public health experts in the eld. The exhaustive content, now in vibrant full color, bridges science and medicine and offers new insights and advancements for evidence-based treatment of substance use disorders. This foundational textbook for medical students, residents, addiction medicine/addiction psychiatry fellows, and medical libraires and institutions, also serves as a comprehensive reference for everyday clinical practice and policymaking. Physicians, mental health practitioners, NPs, PAs, and public of cials who need reference material to recognize, understand, and treat substance use disorders will nd this an invaluable addition to their professional libraries. ● Fifteen sections comprised of 148 fully updated or new chapters and sidebars provide in-depth content on basic science-core concepts, pharmacology, epidemiology and prevention, assessment, treatment principles, non-substance addictions, intoxication and withdrawal, somatic and psychological treatments, mutual help, medical complications, co-occurring psychiatric disorders, pain and addiction, children and adolescents, and ethical, legal, and liability issues. ● Addresses substance use disorders and complications for cardiology, gastroenterology, hepatology, endocrinology, pulmonology, obstetrics, nephrology, emergency medicine, immunology, surgery, and other medical specialties. ● Includes all new content, including a full section on Epidemiology and Prevention, and chapters covering digital health interventions, all forms of psychologically-based interventions, collaborative care, cannabis used as treatment, electronic drug delivery devices, neuromodulation, emerging substances, climate change, industry in uences on addiction, disorders associated with technology and social media, virtual care, reducing inequalities through changes in practice, OTP leadership, treatment considerations for LGBTQ+ patients, neurobiological determinants of addiction in children and adolescents, as well as race, ethnicity, and social determinants of health, disparities, and access to care. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Our updated eBook platform offers signi cantly improved functionality, including keyword/phrase search, bookmarking, highlighting, notes, digital table of contents with chapters/section of the eBook, and easy page navigation. ● Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Manipulate text size and font and select view mode. ● Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ● Use eTextbook Workbook for quick access to study tools, including citation functions, highlighting, highlight sharing, notetaking, bookmarks, margin notes, and ashcards.
ISBN-13: 978-1-975201-56-2 ISBN-10: 1-975201-56-6
ASAM American Society of Addiction Medicine
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