Medical Practice Catalogue 2017
Washington ManualĀ® General Internal Medicine Subspecialty Consult, Third Edition (TheWashington Manual Subspecialty) Thomas Ciesielski January 2017 / Softbound / 5" x 8" / 320 pp. / 9 Illus. / 50 Tables 978-1-4963-4632-2 DESCRIPTION Concise, portable, and user-friendly, TheWashington ManualĀ®General Internal Medicine Consult, Third Edition , provides quick access to the essential information needed when performing an inpatient consult. Chapters are organized around presenting symptom (e.g., approach to nausea, approach to low back pain), allowing quick look-up of differential diagnosis and management. Ideal for medical students, residents, and practitioners, the manual is also useful as a quick-reference guide for practicing hospitalists.
Wolters Kluwer
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