Medical Practice Catalogue 2017


Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review, Second Edition Pier Luigi Di Patre, , MD, PhD

October 2015 / Softbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 488 pp. 978-1-4511-9211-7 DESCRIPTION


Based on the sixth edition of Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology , this multiple choice question and answer resource covers all aspects of Surgical Pathology and is an ideal review tool for board preparation, recertification exams, or just brushing up. Now significantly revised, it includes more than 1,000 questions and answers that emphasize differential diagnostic aspects of problem solving, accompanied by more than 600 full-color illustrations.

Online Resources are housed in one robust, easy-to-access website. ThePoint provides flexible learning solutions and resources to practitioners using Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review.

Stocker and Dehner's Pediatric Pathology, Fourth Edition Aliya N. Husain, MD

December 2015 / Hardbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 1480 pp. / 2173 Illus. 978-1-4511-9373-2 DESCRIPTION Effectively diagnose the complete range of pediatric pathologies, from neonatal disorders through adolescence. Intended for a broad audience including general and pediatric pathologists, pediatricians, surgeons, oncologists, and other pediatric subspecialties, Stocker & Dehner’s Pediatric Pathology is widely recognized as the definitive go-to comprehensive clinical reference in the unique subspecialty of pediatric pathology – which, unlike other subspecialties,

is defined by an age group rather than an organ system or process. The tumors that occur in infants and children are distinct from those that develop in adults, and they often exhibit exceptional clinical behavior, thus requiring different diagnostic and therapeutic protocols. Authored by a host of prominent authorities on this challenging area, the fourth edition of Stocker & Dehner’s Pediatric Pathology was designed to be a comprehensive volume on all major aspects of the pathologic anatomy of childhood disorders, providing the in-depth, richly illustrated guidance you need to confidently evaluate and dependably report your findings. Sweeping updates in this edition put all of the very latest knowledge and techniques at your fingertips. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online.

Wolters Kluwer


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