McKenna's Drug Handbook for Nursing & Midwifery, 7e
Diagnostic preparations 1311
Contraindications Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to iothalamic acid salts and in those with anuria. care considerations • Person should receive a low residue diet for the day preceding the procedure. A laxa tive should also be given the day before the procedure unless contraindicated. • Fluids may be restricted 12–15 hours prior to the procedure. • Should be used cautiously in individuals with advanced renal disease or phaeo chromocytoma. • Premedicationwith antihistaminesmay be indicated in individuals with known history of allergy and hypersensitivity reactions. • Closely monitor individual for devel opment of anaphylactic reaction. Ensure emergencymanagement equipment avail able and in correct working order. • Closely monitor blood pressure through out the procedure. • Monitor vital signs and renal function closely following procedure. • Assess mental status. • Ensure safety if the person is lightheaded. Patient teaching • Advise person to report any adverse effects. • Advise person to take care when standing up or getting out of bed due to potential dizziness. • Advise person that delayed effects may impact on safety when driving or operating machinery. meglumine iotroxate Biliscopin Pregnancy risk category NR Use in sport: Permitted Available form Solution for injection: 105 mg/mL in 100 mL
Indications & dosages ➤ Radiological examination of hepatic and biliaryductsandgallbladder— Adults: Individualised according to individual factors and nature of X-ray. Action Non-ionic iodinated radiographic contrast medium for hepatic, biliary duct and gall bladder examination. Route Onset Peak Duration IV Immediate Unknown Unknown Adverse reactions CNS: altered speech, coma , convulsions , dizziness, headache, status epilepticus , somnolence, tremor. CV: alterations in heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac rhythm; cardiac arrest ; flushing; ventricular fibrillation and collapse . ENT: altered hearing. Eye: conjunctivitis, photophobia, swollen eyelids, visual changes. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, pale stool, salivation, vomiting. GU: dark urine, renal failure , uricosuria. Hepatic: elevated liver enzymes and serum bilirubin. Psychiatric: agitation, amnesia, confusion, restlessness. Respiratory: altered respiratory rate, asthma, bronchospasm , cough, dyspnoea, laryngeal spasm , pulmonary oedema , respiratory arrest , respiratory distress. Skin: angio-oedema ,erythema,exanthema, flushing, itching, pruritus, urticaria. Other: altered body temperature, ana phylaxis , hypersensitivity reaction, local pain, oedema. Interactions Drug-drug. Metformin/biguanides: Potential transient impairment of renal function with possible lactic acidosis. Should be discontinued 48 hours prior to and for 48 hours after procedure. Interleukin-2: Increased risk of delayed reactions. Monitor closely.
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