McKenna's Drug Handbook for Nursing & Midwifery, 7e
Diagnostic preparations 1309
Interleukin-2: Increased risk of delayed reactions. Monitor closely. Beta blockers: Atypical anaphylaxis. Monitor closely. Neuroleptics and phenothiazine derivative antidepressants: Reduce seizure threshold. Should be discontinued 48 hours prior to and not resumed for 24 hours following procedure. Nephrotoxicdrugs: Administration shouldbe delayed until media has cleared the body. Thyroid function tests may be reduced for up to several weeks. Contraindications Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to the preparation or a history of serious hypersensitivity to iopromide or iodine-containing contrast media. care considerations • Closelymonitor individualfordevelopment of anaphylactic reaction. Ensure emergency management equipment is available and in correct working order. • Monitor vital signs and renal function closely following procedure. • Ensure the person is well-hydrated before and after the procedure to avoid contrast- • Ensure safety if the person is light-headed. • Thyroid function testsmay be reduced for up to several weeks. Patient teaching • Advise person to report any adverse effects. • Advise person to take care when standing up or getting out of bed due to potential dizziness. induced nephropathy. • Assess mental status.
ioversol Optiray
Pregnancy risk category B1 Use in sport: Permitted Available forms
Vial: 339 mg/mL in 50 mL, 100 mL; 509 mg/ mL in 30 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, 200 mL; 678 mg/mL in 20 mL, 30 mL, 50 mL, 75 mL, 100 mL, 150 mL; 741 mg/mL in 20 mL, 30mL,50mL,75mL,100mL,150mL,200mL Prefilledsyringe: 509mg/mL in 50mL, 125mL; 678mg/mL in50mL,75mL,125mL;741mg/ mL in 30 mL, 50 mL, 75 mL, 100 mL, 125 mL Adults: Individualised according to indi vidual factors and nature of X-ray or CT scan. Action Non-ionic iodinated radiographic contrast medium for angiographic and urographic Adverse reactions CNS: cerebralinfarction , coma , convulsions , dizziness, dysphasia, headache, restlessness, palpitations, paraesthesia, paralysis, shaking, syncope, vertigo. CV: anginapectoris,arrhythmia,bradycardia, conduction defect, cyanosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation , false aneurysm, hypertension, hypotension, shock , throm bosis , thrombophlebitis, vascular spasm, vascular trauma, vasodilation. Eye: altered vision, blurred vision, periorbital oedema. GI: altered taste, nausea, vomiting. GU: temporaryanuria,nephropathy, nephro toxicity . Musculoskeletal: muscle spasm. Psychiatric: disorientation, hallucination. Indications & dosages ➤ X-rayorCTcontrastmedium— examinations. Route Onset Peak Duration IV Immediate Unknown Unknown
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