McKenna's Drug Handbook for Nursing & Midwifery, 7e
1298 Miscellaneous drug categories
GI: abdominal pain, diarrhoea, dry mouth, faecal incontinence, nausea, taste alteration. GU: acutekidneyinjury ,urinaryincontinence. Musculoskeletal: myalgia, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis . Respiratory: bronchospasm , cough, dys pnoea, hypoxia, laryngospasm. Skin: erythema, rash, localised oedema, pruritus. Other: anaphylactic reaction , angio- oedema , hypersensitivity, injection site pain. Interactions None reported. Contraindications Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to the preparation. care considerations • Increased risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in individuals with acute or chronic renal failure or acute renal insufficiency, or during the perioperative period in liver transplantation. Renal function should be assessed in all individuals prior to the procedure. • For individuals on chronic haemodialysis, initiate haemodialysis promptly following administrationof gadobenate dimeglumine to increase elimination. • Closelymonitor individualfordevelopment of anaphylactic reaction for up to 2 hours after administration. Ensure emergency management equipment is available and in correct working order. • Monitor vital signs closely following procedure. • If there is a need to repeat administration, there should be at least 7 hours between doses. • Due to potential for bladder radiation, encourage person to follow adequate hydration and to void straight after the procedure, then regularly thereafter. Patient teaching • Advisepersontoreportanyadverseeffects.
24 hours and substitute with formula or expressedbreastmilk prior to the procedure. Patient teaching • Advise person to report any adverse effects. • Encourage person to void after the procedure and regularly thereafter. • Advise person to drink fluids regularly. • Women who are breastfeeding should be instructed to discontinue breastfeeding for at least 24 hours and substitute with formula or expressed breast milk prior to the procedure. gadobenate dimeglumine MultiHance Pregnancy risk category B3 Use in sport: Permitted Available forms Solutionfor injection: 334mg/mL (0.5mmol/ mL) in 5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL, 20 mL Indications & dosages ➤ Enhancement of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)ofthe liver— Adults: 0.05mmol/kg bodyweight (0.1mL/ kg bodyweight) by IV bolus or infusion. ➤ EnhancementofMRIofthebrainandspine— Adults: 0.1 mmol/kg bodyweight (0.2 mL/ kg bodyweight) by IV bolus or infusion. Action Paramagnetic contrast agent. Route Onset Peak Duration IV Immediate Unknown 24 hrs Adverse reactions CNS: convulsions, dizziness, headache, tremor. CV: angina pectoris, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest , circulatory failure , hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia, vasodilation. ENT: vertigo.
Reactions may be common , uncommon, life-threatening , or commonandlife-threatening.
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