MEA Catalogue


Roach’s Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, 10th Edition Susan Ford and Sally Roach 978-1-4511-8895-0 / 720 pp / 105 illus, 100 tables / 2013

Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy, 11th Edition Geralyn Frandsen

Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy has a long tradition of guiding students and instructors through the practice of safe and effective medication administration. Highly praised for its organized and readable presentation, the text explains the “why” behind each nursing action, and emphasizes individualized nursing care and drug therapy. Filled with vibrant illustrations, including new concept maps, the text provides a solid foundation for understanding clinical drug therapy, evidence-based standards for administration, and how to prevent or minimize adverse effects. Complemented with exciting free online resources, the textbook employs innovative features that guide students through the course, while also preparing for success on the NCLEX®

Examination and in nursing practice. 978-1-4963-6531-6 / 1176 pp / Oct 2017

Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy, 10th Edition Geralyn Frandsen and Sandra Pennington 978-1-6091-3711-3 / 1176 pp / 86 illus / 2013


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