MEA Catalogue
Grant’s Dissection Videos Alan Detton 978-1-49631-918-0 / Jul 2016
Grant’s Dissector, 16th Edition Alan Detton
Grant’s Dissector, Sixteenth Edition , now revised to meet the needs of today’s gross anatomy dissection courses, remains the go-to guide for dissection in the anatomy lab. This classic manual provides step-by-step dissection procedures with the instruction and anatomical detail you need to recognize important relationships revealed through dissection. Each chapter is consistently organised beginning with a “Dissection Overview,” followed by detailed “Dissection Instructions,” and concluding with a “Dissection Follow-up.” 978-1-4963-1679-0 / 320pp / 318 illus / March 2016
Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy Ronald Dudek and Kelly Harrell 978-1-4963-1790-2 / 512 pp / Dec 2017
High Yield Gross Anatomy, 5th Edition Ronald Dudek and Thomas Louis
High-Yield Gross Anatomy, 5th Edition provides a concise review of gross anatomy material tested on course and board exams. The streamlined outline format includes tables, diagrams, clinical photos, and radiographs for a concentrated, efficient review. 978-1-4511-9023-6 / 320 pp / 211 illus / 2014
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