MEA Catalogue


Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 14th Edition Anne Agur and Arthur Dalley

A cornerstone of gross anatomy since 1943, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy reaches students worldwide with its realistic dissection illustrations, detailed surface anatomy photos, clinical images and comments, and quick-reference muscle tables. Renowned for its accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance, this classic atlas boasts significant enhancements, including updated artwork, new conceptual diagrams, and vibrantly re-coloured illustrations. Clinical material is clearly highlighted in blue text for easy identification. This updated edition has additional clinical images help students apply the laboratory experience to clinical rotations and Grant’s classic illustrations have been updated/replaced

or feature enhanced colourisation. 978-1-4963-1024-8 / 896 pp / 1600 illus, 75 tables / Feb 2016

BRS Gross Anatomy, 8th Edition Kyung Wong Chung, Harold Chung and Nancy Halliday

Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format, BRS Gross Anatomy , 8e prepares students for first-year anatomy courses and the USMLE Step 1 board exam. This proven, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of human anatomy through concise descriptions, clinical correlations, radiographs, full-colour illustrations, and tables. Over 550 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, chapter-ending exams, and an end-of-book comprehensive exam help students master key concepts. 978-1-4511-9307-7 / 544 pp / 191 illus / 2014

Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body, 6th Edition Carmine Clemente

The Sixth Edition of Clemente’s Anatomy features over 1,000 bright, realistically detailed full-colour illustrations, plus a wealth of accompanying diagnostic images and numerous muscle tables. This classically organised regional atlas is based on the strikingly colourful yet realistic illustrations of the world- renowned Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy . This edition includes new plates on the brachial plexus and on nerves of the lower limb as well as new clinical images, including CT scans, x-rays, and sonograms. 978-1-6091-3308-5 / 752 pp / 1153 illus / 2010


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