MEA Catalogue
The Washington Manual ® of Medical Therapeutics, 35th Edition Washington University School of Medicine
The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, focuses on the essential information you need to know for successful patient care. This concise pocket- sized guide presents the classic Bates approach to physical examination and history taking in a quick-reference outline format. It contains all the critical information needed to obtain a clinically meaningful health history and conduct a thorough physical assessment. Fully revised and updated to reflect current health care literature, the 35th Edition presents brief, logical approaches to diagnosis and management of commonly faced medical conditions, including new therapies that improve patient outcomes.
978-1-4963-3851-8 / 954 pp / 42 illus / Mar 2016
Blueprints Medicine, 6th Edition Vincent Young, William Kormos and Davoren Chick
This best-selling Blueprints title, Blueprints Medine, is an ideal resource for your internal medicine clerkship, USMLE review, and as a rapid reference in day-to-day patient care. Practical and concise, it includes user-friendly features such as bolded key words, ample tables and figures, and the popular Key Points boxes,with must-know clinical information. The Sixth Edition has been thoroughly updated to include new clinical guidelines and therapeutic recommendations, and includes 100 board-format questions and answers at the end of the book (plus 50 more online) for self-assessment. 978-1-4698-6415-0 / 416 pp / 105 illus, 50 tables / Sep 2015
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