MEA Catalogue
Outcome-Based Massage: Putting Evidence into Practice, 3rd Edition Carla-Krystin Andrade
Outcome-Based Massage: Putting Evidence into Practice ,3rd edition, goes beyond an update of the content of the second edition. In this book, Dr Andrade and a team of contributors who represent the fields of massage therapy, physical therapy, athletic training, education, psychology, medicine, and physiology take the student or practicing clinician to the next level of using
Outcome-Based Massage in daily clinical practice 978-1-4511-3033-1 / 560 pp / 291 illus, 31 tables / 2013
Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapy Assistants, 3rd Edition William Bandy
Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapist Assistants is the first and only textbook that offers the training needed for students to fulfill their responsibilities as a physical therapist assistant. This book gives students the knowledge and skills to effectively implement patient treatment plans using therapeutic exercise techniques that are administered under the direction of a physical therapist.
Detailed descriptions are provided for the gamut of therapeutic exercises, including range of motion, stretching, open chain resistance training, plyometrics, and functional return. Students learn the purpose, position, and procedure for each technique for a complete understanding of how to guide patients in performing these exercises. 978-1-6083-1420-1 / 544 pp / 410 illus, 25 tables / 2012
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