MEA Catalogue
Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2nd Edition Nita Pandit and Robert Soltis
This unique textbook is the first text of its kind to pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Readers are introduced to basic concepts related to the specific disciplines in the pharmaceutical sciences, including pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and medicinal chemistry. In an easy-to- read writing style, the book provides readers with up-to-date information on pharmacogenomics and includes comprehensive coverage of industrial drug development and regulatory approval processes. Each chapter includes critical- thinking exercises, as well as numerous figures, tables, and graphs. Many chapters contain review questions, practice problems, and cases. More than 160
illustrations complement the text. 978-1-6091-3001-5 / 480 pp / 201 illus / 2011
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition Malcolm Rowland and Thomas Tozer
Formerly Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Clinical Applications, this fully updated Fourth Edition has been re-titled Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Clinical Applications to reflect the increasing body of knowledge linking the two concepts that explain the relationship between drug administration and drug response. This revised edition also reflects the explosion in our understanding at the molecular and mechanistic levels of all the processes controlling the pharmacokinetics of drugs. 978-0-7817-5009-7 / 864 pp / 470 two colour illus, 180 tables / 2010
Comprehensive Pharmacy Review, 8th Edition Leon Shargel, Alan Mutnick, Larry Swanson and Paul Souney
Comprehensive Pharmacy Review may be used as a quick review or preview of essential topics by a diverse group of readers, including matriculation pharmacy students, instructors and preceptors and professional pharmacists. A wide range of topics central to the study of pharmacy—chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacy practice, drug therapy—are organised to parallel the pharmacy curriculum and presented in outline form for easy use. 978-1-4511-7574-5 / 1248 pp / 257 illus / 2012
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