MEA Catalogue


Clinical Chemistry: Techniques, Principles and Correlations, 8th Edition Michael Bishop, Edward Fody and Larry Schoeff

The 8th Edition keeps students at the forefront of what continues to be one of the most rapidly advancing areas of laboratory medicine. With clear explanations that balance analytic principles, techniques, and correlation of results with coverage of disease states, the book not only demonstrates the how of clinical testing, but also the what, why, and when of testing correlations to help students develop the knowledge and interpretive and analytic skills they’ll need in their future careers. Comprehensive and easy to understand, the 8th Edition now features an entirely new chapter, new and updated learning aids, and an unparalleled suite of teaching and learning resources.

978-1-4963-6539-2 / 784 pp / Feb 2017

Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice, 3rd Edition Rhonda Jones

Develop the patient assessment and clinical skills you need with Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice. This practical book relates patient assessment and clinical skills to pharmacy practice. To help readers correlate signs and symptoms of possible diseases, the book includes vital information on basic anatomy and physiology, pathology and system assessment through interview, communication, and physical exams. Now a “one-stop shop” for assessment and clinical skills development, the companion eBook features 23 patient assessment video clips 978-1-4511-9165-3 / 704 pp / 360 illus, 40 tables / Aug 2015


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