MEA Catalogue
Simulation Simplified: A Practical Handbook for Critical Care Nurse Educators Sandra Goldsworthy and Leslie Graham
This text has been designed for nurse educators/faculty in both academic or practice settings. The aim of this instructor manual is to “simplify” the process of teaching with simulation by providing many helpful tips, scenarios and templates that you will be able to use right away. You will learn how to create realism in your scenario, how to effectively design and unfold a simulation scenario. In addition, you will learn how to facilitate high quality debriefing/
reflective sessions after the simulation. 978-1-4511-4470-3 / 160 pp / 10 illus / 2012
Simulation Simplified: Student Lab Manual for Critical Care Nursing Sandra Goldsworthy and Leslie Graham
This Student Lab Manual includes 10 clinical scenarios and activities to accompany simulations encountered within the simulation lab. Each lesson includes suggested pre-reading. In addition, a series of critical thinking and reflection questions help students to apply critical care theory to clinical practice and evaluate their understanding of the scenario after the simulation. Students also have access to 10 videos of the scenarios being performed that they can locate through thePoint. 978-1-4511-4469-7 / 68 pp / 2012
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