MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE



A Short Course in Medical Terminology, 4th Edition Edward Collins 978-1-4963-5147-0 / 432 pp / Jan 2018

Boards and Wards for USMLE Step 2, 6th Edition Carlos Ayala

Medical students have no time to waste. Boards and Wards for USMLE Step 2 is the solution! Updated to reflect the current USMLE Step 2 test blueprint, and organized to parallel the clerkships that all 3rd and 4th year medical students are required to take, this bestselling resource makes it easy for you to study only what you truly need to know for the USMLE as well as end-of-rotation exams. 978-1-4963-4989-7 / 608 pp / May 2017

Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, 8th Edition Barbara Cohen and Ann DePetris

Now packed with new illustrations and more clinically relevant than ever before, this fully updated Eighth Edition of Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide helps readers develop a fundamental knowledge of the medical terminology necessary for a career in any health care setting. To help students learn both medical terms and how they are used in real-world settings, this reader-friendly book demonstrates how medical terms are built from word parts (Part 1), introduces body structures, diseases, and treatments (Part 2),

and covers each body system (Part 3). 978-1-4963-1888-6 / 704 pp / Feb 2016

A Short Course in Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition Edward Collins

Providing a quick and easy approach to learning medical terminology, A Short Course in Medical Terminology , 3rd Edition and online resources is perfect for use in a 1- or 2- credit course or as continuing education or self-study. Using a concise mnemonic approach, the book’s consistently formatted chapters and word tables show students how to memorize word parts and use word building to learn medical terminology. The book covers terminology related to structure and function, diseases and disorders, abbreviations, medical specialties (including pharmacology), and health professions. 978-1-4511-7606-3 / 468 pp / 118 illus / 2013


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