MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE


Martin’s Physical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7th Edition Patrick Sinko

Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is considered the most comprehensive text available on the physical, chemical, and biological principles that underlie pharmacology. This 7th Edition puts a stronger focus on the most essential, practical knowledge, and is updated to reflect the broadening scope and diversity of the pharmaceutical sciences. 978-1-4963-5344-3 / 672 pp / Dec 2016

Handbook of Applied Therapeutics, 9th Edition Burgunda Sweet, Brian Alldredge, Robin Corelli, Michael Ernst and Joseph Guglielmo This must-have resource for students and practicing clinicians alike, presents drug-related content in a bulleted, tabular, quick-access format to support therapeutic decision-making at the point-of-care.

The updated Ninth Edition provides in-depth information on the latest drug treatments for more than 85 diseases and conditions, including heart failure, schizophrenia, viral hepatitis, and diabetes mellitus. 978-1-4511-9345-9 / 800 pp / Apr 2015


Winter’s Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 6th Edition Paul Beringer

Winter’s Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics helps readers apply pharmacokinetics and therapeutic drug monitoring to patient care. An easy-to-read, case-study format has made this text a favourite among students and clinicians. Divided into two parts, Part I reviews basic pharmacokinetic principles, and Part II illustrates the clinical application of these principles to common problems. 978-1-4963-4642-1 / 624 pp / Nov 2017


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