MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE
Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 7th Edition Mary Vining Radomski and Catherine Trombly Latham
Covering the assessment and treatment of adult patients with physical dysfunction, this highly regarded text helps occupational therapy students develop the skills and knowledge they need to become reflective practitioners. The authors introduce the Occupation Functional Model (OFM) in the first section, setting the stage for subsequent discussions that guide students from initial evaluation to treatment to follow-up. 978-1-4511-8921-6 / 1456 pp / Dec 2013
NEW Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy, 2nd Edition Barbara Schell and John Schell Schell & Schell’s Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy, 2nd Edition offers up-to-date, easy-to-understand coverage of the theories and insights gained from years of studying how occupational therapy practitioners reason in practice. Written by an expanded team of international educators, researchers and practitioners, the book is the only work that goes beyond simply directing how therapists should think to exploring why and how they actually think the way they do when working with clients. The 2nd Edition offers a wide array of new chapters and a new, more focused four-part organization that helps Occupational Therapy students develop the skills they need to identify and solve
challenges throughout their careers. 978-1-4963-3589-0 / 464 pp / Dec 2017
Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Adults: A Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition Kerryellen Vroman and Elizabeth Stewart Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Adults: A Pocket Guide is a quick,
comprehensive reference to guide students and practitioners as they perform efficient evaluations of adults, identify problems, and plan and implement interventions to produce optimal therapeutic outcomes. Clinical examples illustrate the application of content, illustrations demonstrate assessment techniques, and extensive tables capture information in an easy-to-read manner. 978-1-4511-7619-3 / 472 pp / Oct 2013
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