MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE



Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice, 8th Edition Susan Dudek

It is essential for nursing students to understand how nutrition influences a patient’s health and wellness. To provide optimal patient-centered nursing, they need to be educated in the assessment, planning, and implementation of nutritional care. Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice gives student nurses a practical and valuable nutrition foundation to better serve their clients. The 8th edition reflects the latest research in evidenced-based practice and nutrition recommendations, while maintaining its focus on nursing process. Unfolding case studies have been added to emphasise how nutrition is integrated in many aspects of nursing care. 978-1-4963-8001-2 / 684 pp / Jun 2017

Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 11th Edition Catharine Ross, Benjamin Caballero, Robert Cousins, Katherine Tucker, and Thomas Ziegler

International experts provide in-depth information on historical landmarks in nutrition, specific dietary components, nutrition in integrated biologic systems, nutritional assessment through the life cycle, nutrition in various clinical disorders, and public health and policy issues. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease , 11th Edition, offers coverage of nutrition’s role in disease prevention, international nutrition issues, public health concerns, the role of obesity in a variety of chronic illnesses, genetics as it applies to nutrition, and areas of major scientific progress relating nutrition to disease. 978-1-6054-7461-8 / 1648 pp / 530 illus / Dec 2012

Nutrition Counselling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals, 7th Edition Betsy Holli and Judith Beto

The 7th Edition of Holli’s best-selling Nutrition Counselling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals helps students develop the communications, counselling, interviewing, motivational, and professional skills they’ll need as Registered Dietician professionals. Throughout the book, the authors focus on effective nutrition interventions, evidence-based theories and models, clinical nutrition principles, and knowledge of behavioural science and educational approaches. 978-1-4963-6824-9 / 448 pp / Feb 2017


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