MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE


Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations

Nursing2019 Drug Handbook, 39th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-4963-8407-2 / 1864 pp / April 2018 NEW

Math for Nurses: A Pocket Guide to Dosage Calculation and Drug Preparation, 9th Edition Mary Jo Boyer

Help your students learn to calculate dosages accurately with this easy-to-use pocket guide. Packed with real clinical examples and practice problems, Math for Nurses includes a review of basic math skills, measurement systems, and drug calculations/preparations, making it ideal for use in clinical settings or as a study aid. The book’s step-by-step approach coupled with frequent examples that illustrate problem-solving helps students develop the knowledge and skills they need to calculate dosages effectively and improve the accuracy of drug delivery. 978-1-4963-0341-7 / 384 pp / Sep 2016

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 7th Edition Amy Karch

Help your students develop the knowledge they need to deliver safe, effective drug therapy. This proven resource reviews and integrates students’ baseline knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, chemistry, and nursing fundamentals into chapters focused on “need to know” concepts about each group of drugs. Reflecting the most recent advances in the field, this concise and beautifully illustrated book organizes essential nursing pharmacology information into easy-to-learn steps. 978-1-4963-1821-3 / 1070 pp / Sep 2016


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