MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE


Advanced Surgical Recall, 4th Edition Lorne Blackbourne

Written in rapid-fire question-and-answer format, Advanced Surgical Recall , Fourth Edition provides a quick, efficient review of commonly tested information covered on the ABSITE and Oral Board exams. This portable quick-reference contains detailed illustrations of anatomic landmarks, concise coverage of surgical techniques, and a practical two-column format with questions on the left and answers on the right. The Fourth Edition offers an increased focus on ABSITE review throughout, including a new Rapid Fire Review for the ABSITE section that provides quick sample cases to test recall. 978-1-4511-1653-3 / 912 pp /Aug 2014


BRS Pediatrics, 2nd Edition Lloyd Brown and Lee Miller

BRS Pediatrics is a comprehensive review of general and sub-specialty pediatrics aimed for medical students on their core clerkship in pediatrics. Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format, this text presents the essentials of pediatrics through concise descriptions, clinical correlations, numerous figures and nearly 100 tables 978-1-4963-0975-4 / 660 pp / Jul 2018

Handbook of Dialysis, 5th Edition John Daugirdas, Peter Blake and Todd Ing

Handbook of Dialysis is now completely revised in its Fifth Edition. It continues to provide practical, accessible information on all aspects of dialysis with emphasis on day-to-day patient management. Authored by international experts, chapters provide complete coverage of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, special problems in dialysis patients, and problems pertaining to various organ systems. 978-1-4511-8871-4 / 900 pp / 85 illus / Nov 2014

Book & Enhanced ebook Bundle 978-1-4511-4429-1 / 900 pp / Nov 2014


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