MEA Catalogue 2018_032018 - online
Applied Pathophysiology, 3rd Edition Carrie Braun & Cindy Anderson
Emphasizing application of knowledge, active learning strategies, critical thinking, and evidence-based practice, this updated 3rd Edition of Applied Pathophysiology explores pathophysiology through the lens of body function concepts and what happens when function is altered through injury or disease. 978-1-4963-3586-9 / 588 pp / Aug 2016
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States, 4th Edition Carol Porth
Clear, readable, and student-friendly, Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4e delivers “need to know” disease content, along with the essential foundation in science that nursing, physician assistant, pharmacology, advanced health science, and medical students need to succeed in their future careers. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works. 978-1-4511-9432-6 / 1280 pp / Oct 2014
The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions, 2nd Edition Thomas McConnell
Easy to understand and fun to read, this, this engaging primer on the etiology and pathogenesis of human disease will help you develop a basic understanding of pathology that will set you on the path to a successful career in the health professions. Punctuated by humor, unique case studies that link pathology to real-world clinical applications, and absorbing tales from the history of medicine, this engaging book focuses on the patient as it guides you through the causes and consequences of common diseases. 978-1-6091-3369-6 / 800 pp / Oct 2013
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